Rules of the road which need to be revisited

in #technology6 years ago

Rules of the Road

Aside from every other political problem which the United States faces, there is the question of our driving rules having been established in the 1920s through the 1940s . The actual situations on our highways and byways have changed quite a lot, but the rules of the road haven't . A few suggestions:

There were no Highway ramps in 1930 . The present general rule which says that vehicles underway in the right-most lane of a highway always have the right of way needs to be Revisited It is very much easier for a driver already underway to see cars coming off a ramp, then it is for a driver coming off a ramp to try to imitate an owl and look back over his left shoulder at a very narrow angle and judge the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles . There are ramps situations in the United States which are good for one or two high speed crashes a week on account of the situation . The simplest and best solution would be simply for the car coming off the ramp to have the right of way.

In a rational world, all headlights and bumpers for all vehicles would be at the same level .

When two vehicles meet at a T and each wants to turn left , the present rule says that the vehicle already underway on the top of the tea has the right of way . That needs to be Revisited. The driver already underway on the more major road has to drive AROUND the other vehicle before the other driver can move. It is likely the case that both drivers would get to where they are going faster if the car which didn't have to drive around the other car had the right of way .

There were no three Lane, four lame, or wider highways in 1930. Likewise, there does not appear to be any generally accepted rule as to who has the right-of-way when cars from both sides seek to merge into a middle lane at the same time. Ideally, the driver trying to get off the highway system should have the right of way, That is, the driver trying to merge from the left should have the right of way. These are just a few examples.

These kinds of laws should be Nationwide.

For the benefit of the steamcleaner bot or any similar poopooheads looking for people to accuse of plagiarism, this is my own work and I am highly unlikely to sue myself over it...

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