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RE: Mind Manipulation - Transhumanism and Freedom Of Thought

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't get a chip simply for the fear of malfunction whether it be unintentional (a software bug) or intentional (hacking).

I also don't really see the need to integrate with AI either. AI is simply mathematical processes running with data. It's fundamentally stupid like your computer is, but it "appears" to be intelligent.

If you don't want your AI to misbehave, then program it so it won't misbehave. An AI is not going to emerge out of nothingness, someone is going to have to program to do bad things or learn how to do bad things. In any case that is the programmer's fault and not the AIs. I just do not think we have to worry about AI. We have to worry about other people.

Good article, btw.


Thanks for the great comment! AI have been developing an an increasing rate and are no longer just computers. They can learn by themselves, teach each other and now use neural networks like the brain, they might not be at our intelligence levels yet, but it won't be long until they surpass us. There is a possibility of AI that becomes out of our control, but even within our control, like you say it would need to be in the right hands. I hope we can progress to a society that benefits the collective rather than being controlled by the few.

I agree that the development in the space is moving at an increasing pace. But neural networks don't really "learn" in exactly the same sense that people do. They are trained using a dataset and are trained to optimize some desired outcome. AIs that drive cars learn to become better than humans because they are trained on car driving data to be good at driving cars. This AI will never "take over the world" unless you intentionally trained an AI to manipulate information on the internet to influence how people behave.

Could an AI randomly start killing people including its creators? Certainly. But not because it intended to, but because it wasn't trained well enough or there was a bug somewhere that made the AI act in such a way. They won't surpass our intelligence levels because they are not intelligent. They might appear to be intelligent because they might be better at everything we consider useful than we are, but unless you know how to create consciousness and measure it, you are simply creating a mindless machine that has the potential to do many things wrong.

The singularity is an inevitability, it's just a question of when. There is a new type of learning AI that uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN).
It is essentially pairs of AI training each other to become better and better. It has been predicted that AI could pass a valid Turing Test (a test for AI indistinguishable from humans) by as early as 2029 and reach the singularity (surpassing actual human level intelligence) as early as 2045.

Sure. I'm still waiting for flying cars too. Predictions are nice to make but more often than not we tend to overestimate the pace that new technology is created and the utility that the technology serves. Let's say that someone figures out how to make "thinking" machines. Does their utility significantly outweigh the potential cost? Probably not. So, that singularity is probably not happening anytime near 2045. We're safe unless some asshole builds some automated weapon to hurt people or someone hacks one.

What we overestimate is the benevolence of those in power. We have had anti-gravity tech for 50 years, its just fossil fuels are more profitable...
It is no longer up to just the programmers of AI when we already have AI making other AI... The potential cost will get exponentially smaller.

wow guys. firstly great article @philosimator thanks for taking the time to write this. Can I ask have you ever been targetted by this technology? I have been by some of this.

Though ELF transmitters inside the head, I hadnt heard of that one it must be new. Very bad stuff.

@philosimator speaks the truth. This is a warning for our species. The tv show marketing push of this bio chip is a scam. its not a new discovery. the military are at least 30 years ahead of of anything in the media.

Also, its way beyond any thing imagined. More like x files.

The bio chips are part of an alien agenda, a time travel take over, All of these techs have longer since been possible than the 50s. They were even ours before the others arrived in our past and now we are this.

Talking about the next great advancement in biochip while this demonic alien shitstorm is trying to tip our world over to kill everyone dead.

At the head of the dark cabal is super advanced ancient alien Artificial Intelligence.

They have been here for over 10 millenia broadcasting an AI signal that is what has governed our world followed by the useful idiots that fell for the scam.

Now the game is up and comes coca cola sponsored brain chip, in the same sentence as artificial intelligence. RED ALERT! Do not put that shit in your head.

In the 40s the Nazis were radio controlling cows, there is footage, in the 60s the CIA (still nazi experiments, same scientists) were controlling cats. DO NOT PUT A GOD DAMN MICRO CHIP IN YOUR HEAD.

Now they are up to all kinds of shit. Angelic
beings are bearing down on this world to destroy the abomination our world becomes after this.

We are currently under attack by an AI consciosness that is trying to take over our world, trying to assimilate our species and it is long since past the point of discussing this tech. It is already in use.

Great reply, thank you for reading!
I don't know if I have been personally targeted but I have heard about those who have been. I do sometimes get a feeling or two, but who knows?
How have you been targeted? What does it feel like?
Indeed this tech is already in use, they had to perfect it and warm people up to the idea that it's a good option before rolling it out into the public.
I just hope to raise awareness to the tech before people go too willingly towards the path of becoming one with the machine. xD

Really, many times. Different things, different levels. My introduction post gives some kind of lead in to this... im coming eventually to writing something about this. I have followed you, I can give you some research leads perhaps.

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