I just uninstalled Avast on my phone.

in #technology5 years ago

Of course I have other anti-malware programs on it. I just got sick and tired of it. I actually had used it for my active scanner for a while...but it's SO FRICKEN ANNOYING. I don't know what these companies are thinking that they think they can get away with always fucking annoying you.

Maybe I get more aggravated than most people with the constant alerts and adverts everywhere...but it's really way too much.

You know that old saying that time is money? Well, companies obviously think that our time isn't worth jack shit, because they would rather annoy the fuck out of you until you buy the pro version.

The more time goes by, the more I realize that it's not worth it to deal with the aggravation of constant alerts. Every time it beeps, if I'm in the middle of something, I get aggravated.

The thing is about anti-virus and anti-malware programs on phones though, is that they suck. There are plenty of security risks on phones and tablets...and yet...the anti-virus and anti-malware softwares for Android and iOS are severely lacking. I have no idea if I have malware on my phone. At least I know that though. And I'm one of those crazies that keeps multiple anti-malware programs and scans occasionally. I'm sure there are more paranoid people...but there are far more that don't care nearly enough.

The thing is that you put everything on your phone. It has all of your contacts and photos and calls and possibly even is connected to your wallet in various ways...and yet...it's at high risk of being stolen or compromised.

If the anti-malware software worked better, I would consider paying a bit for it...but I get a new phone every so often and I don't really know if it will transfer and even if it does...most of them just suck.

If I get malware, will any of the softwares actually detect it? I doubt it. I seriously doubt it. I probably have malware on it...and most people probably do...and the apps that are supposedly supposed to help you detect that shit just annoy you about connecting to unsecured wifi and show you adverts and sell you VPN services when you already have one and annoy you if you have any software that doesn't come from the Google app store.

I don't care if it's not in the Google app store. It being there doesn't mean it's safer...just likely that it doesn't have nudity...because they seem to care about nudity and adult content more than actual security. Something has to be a scandal for them to actually remove questionable apps...unless it has girls in bikinis. So yeah...I have a few apps not from the apps store...maybe half or more just open source little apps that I never use. They certainly aren't detected as viruses...if the anti-malware apps actually detected anything.

I actually think it's more likely that Google would do some kinda update to remove malware...if it spread enough for it to be a problem.

TBH the little devices in our pockets are likely covered in slimey malware. But nothing detects them...so...yeah...

So I removed Avast from my phone...because it's more annoying than it is useful. I'll be cycling through my other programs to see which seems to be the most helpful now. Leave a comment if you have any recommendations. I really liked NOD32 on Windows, but it didn't seem that great when I tried it on the phone.

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