in #technology6 years ago

There is nothing as uncomfortable and heart breaking than having your friends across the globe called you all sort of names like being an internet fraudsters, a thief, an animal and a cruel breed. These are but a few of the disgrace an average African youth like me and others out there are finding hard to cope in Africa and outside the continent. I have wanted to live a life where I can be respected and valued by every human on earth not despise me because of what I am or what some group of individuals has done in Africa. Africa is not for demons or animals or thieves or illiterates or lazy youths. We are a blessed continent with all sort of endowed natural wealth and human resources just like every other continent and even more. A few of us has enjoyed the privilege of a better life in and outside the continent. This is why I want to be something different to add value to the continent of my country and Africa at large - an emblem of a true African.


I have wished to use technology to change the way things are done in Africa after my graduation. Not hacking into banks’ secret accounts or breaking into rich people’s account using technology but by improving on what we have learnt in order to create a better technology that Africa can gladly boost of as hers.

Africa is always known to lag behind in technology compared to developed countries in the World. We only use a bulk of produced or already-made technology products imported into the continent and most of these products are to some extent, “below standard” compared to what other developed countries have.

I believe Technology is the future of the world as economy is being decentralized from the general and local centralized one, Artificial intelligence and all fields that technology is being employed. In fact, all fields of profession are in one way or the other integrated into technology. Therefore, it is a good dream to have it developed to a higher percentage.

Becoming what I have always dreamt off, I am playing a good role and I believe I am on the right track. I am currently undergoing my undergraduate program as a Computer Engineer. I have also become a leader in associations because I believe affecting Africa will need Political influence. This is how I am making the dream valuable.

Concerning the leaders and stakeholders in Africa, I only wish to see them invest more in Africa; Have a patriotic heart and love Africa for what she is. Stakeholders will encourage future leaders like me when they show that there is no place like home.

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