The Seven Digital Sins...

in #technology7 years ago

Hey Steemians and new people who joined us today!!

I hope you have a fantastic beginning of week, saying goodbye to this first month of 2018 and posting lots of good content in Steemit.

Today I just wanted to share my thoughts about a particular tweet made by the user guarromantico on July, 2017.

Yeah, I know it's a little bit old this topic but I found it very interesting to be analyzed and curiously I saw these words out of Twitter.

deadly sins.jpg

This Tweeter user got famous when wrote about current social networks used by people and compared them with the renowned Seven Deadly Sins.

In his words, these are the Seven Digital Sins and my opinion about them:

1. Sloth: Netflix


The ease to watch series and films from your PC or Smartphone has made this website the favorite among all broadcasters, replacing TV companies and letting the cinemas behind.

Popcorn and movies in your bedroom, you don't have to share a space where everything and everybody is noisy, what could be better than that?

I believe that if cinemas don't change the way they show movies, this business will have the same fate than Kodak!

2. Gluttony: Instagram


Most of the content published in this network is about food. People doesn't start eating without first taking a pic to the food they're about to eat!!!

It's incredible how this habit has changed us.

3. Envy: Facebook


The biggest social network with more than 2 billion people, where almost everything is accepted.

It's a place where you cannot publish your achievements 'cause there will always be people jealous with what you made till now.

4. Twitter: Wrath


Comments over here, comments over there... The tweets could be interpreted as comments that were intended to create tendences - and also enemies & disputes when it comes to defending personal positions about a topic or issue.

Fortunately I dislike Twitter, I don't see any grace on writing only comments.

5. Amazon: Greed


The market where you can purchase everything you need at low cost and from anywhere. I guess that Amazon can lead you to an obsessive purchase behavior if you don't control it.

Sometimes it's amazing how cheap some stuff are sold in Amazon...

6. Tinder: Lust


Are you looking the perfect fit for a everlasting relationship? Well, Tinder is your best option as you can find lots of people waiting to get a date and deciding whether your love "can or not be purchased".

God damn it, I never imagined we could go so far...

7. LinkedIn: Pride


Well, well, well... I must admit that seeing LinkedIn included here hurts as it's one of my favorite networks (the one I'm currently working with). This media, made for enterprises and workers, can sometimes reflect the huge ego of some people who believe they are above the rest of us.

This is the part that gets me mad of...

Now, here it comes the million-dolar question:

Do you think Steemit would fall into one of these "sins"?

Personally, I hope not!!!!


I think our Steemit community and plattforms are designed for sharing the best of us and making the difference among all social networks because of its purpose, quality and the most important, we the people who are part of revolution.

Well, that's all for now and think about the difference between our dear Steemit plattform and the "digital sins" mentioned above and get your own conclusions.

Don't forget to resteem this post and follow me for more interesting topics.

See you in my next post

Thank you - Hannibal.gif


I absolutely LOVE this post! I found myself smiling and totally agreeing with you on every point and social site mentioned!

I'm really glad to know that this post liked you @goldendawne

I said myself "this is a topic I can't let go without posting" 'cause it's true: social media lead us to show which one of the seven sins we could have and I know everyone who reads it will agree with you.

Thank you for resteeming my post!! =D

works very well. Enhance your creations to be even better so that many people like your photos.
I am very interested in your photos :)

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The true problem is rarely the technology. The problem is the people who use and abuse the technology.
Will we see Steemit succumb to the wills of humans? Of course we will. In fact it's already here.
But just like any society there are those who choose to live on the fringes of society. There's a lot of us who simply ignore the technologies listed above (well, except for Netflix, that's different ;-). We chose to focus on those things that build relationships with other humans, not those things that create drama, strife, discord, or greed.
It's like living in a big city. There are many unmentionable things that abound in a city but there are also parks with the occasional flower or squirrel. We simply learn to find the parks in the midst of the city.
You also learn which streets to avoid and when.

I agree with you @yulem. It's people who are in charge of taking these "sins" into the apps. That's why FB and Instagram are trying to come back to the main target of creating social interaction by eliminating what is not useful in this network. And yeah, I'm also focused on talking with people face to face, calling them, going for a walk and other activities that help to keep the human contact.

Thank you for leaving your comment in my post. =D

You're welcome

This post has received a 5.62 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @felobtc.

You got a 0.75% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @felobtc!

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