[10/05/2017] Check These Great Posts with the tag technology Recently Posted on Steemit

in #technology7 years ago

Please Check these Posts for the Category: technology

The posts listed here are sorted by Current Payout Value ! All here listed Posts have been created within the last 24h ! Please check for undervalued posts ( mostly these at the bottum of the list ) and upvote them, if you believe the provided content earns your vote !

Review Logitech G102 Prodigy Gaming Mouse My First Gaming Mouse

Posted by @tech-trends

Current Payout Value: $47.13 with at the moment 51 Votes for this post

Twitter from 140 to 280 characters haha

Posted by @maliam

Current Payout Value: $8.35 with at the moment 28 Votes for this post

Tahapan Installasi EKiosK Sebagai Sarana Pengaksesan Informasi Publik Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport

Posted by @alfarisi

Current Payout Value: $6.05 with at the moment 81 Votes for this post

Google pixel 2 pixel 2 XL launch event

Posted by @yogesh121

Current Payout Value: $4.87 with at the moment 27 Votes for this post

DIY Off Grid PowerWall Update Visit to SolarMex Our Local Solar Supply

Posted by @lily-da-vine

Current Payout Value: $3.31 with at the moment 41 Votes for this post

Google Pixel Buds Offer RealTime TwoWay Language Translation

Posted by @alexiapbullard

Current Payout Value: $3.16 with at the moment 35 Votes for this post

technology Popular Posts Promotion on 04102017

Posted by @lammpi

Current Payout Value: $2.94 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

Google Home Evolution Watch TV and Play games

Posted by @mytechcrunch

Current Payout Value: $1.46 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

32 Secret Combinations on Your Keyboard

Posted by @ika497

no image
Current Payout Value: $1.11 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Future Tech Part 7 Xbox One X DO NOT BUY it is utter trash Rant

Posted by @techmojo

Current Payout Value: $1.04 with at the moment 15 Votes for this post

indian agriculture equipment technology

Posted by @manvigupta

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.93 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

A new Discord Bot at your service

Posted by @codingdefined

Current Payout Value: $0.68 with at the moment 11 Votes for this post

New generation of Google phones presented whats so special about them

Posted by @alexanderrigov

Current Payout Value: $0.37 with at the moment 36 Votes for this post

The Speed Of Technology Fully Self Driving Cars On The Streets By Year End Google Seems To Think So

Posted by @taskmaster4450

Current Payout Value: $0.36 with at the moment 10 Votes for this post

Google X Part 3 Graduated Projects 2 Verily

Posted by @thatsweeneyguy

Current Payout Value: $0.3 with at the moment 8 Votes for this post


Posted by @hasnatahmad

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.28 with at the moment 34 Votes for this post

You can send your name to Mars with NASAs Insight Mission

Posted by @xantrk

Current Payout Value: $0.28 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

10042017 Check These Great Posts with the tag technology Recently Posted on Steemit

Posted by @fairvote

Current Payout Value: $0.26 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Android Wear Beta Released Use Android v80 Oreo

Posted by @geek-stuff

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.19 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Overview of SAP Crystal Reports Part 5

Posted by @coolguy123

Current Payout Value: $0.19 with at the moment 43 Votes for this post

Its official Google Translate can now replace human translator

Posted by @n-ur

Current Payout Value: $0.12 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Future Shock the Mass Shooter Contagion Effect and the drug industries

Posted by @darkestpatterns

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.12 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

Evolution of iPhone Every Model From 20072017

Posted by @luqtech

Current Payout Value: $0.07 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Solar will defeat the rest

Posted by @mathsinnature

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.03 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

Embed a Metasploit Payload in an Original Apk file Part 2 Do it Manually

Posted by @bakhtiarzehri

Current Payout Value: $0.03 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

4G Phablet

Posted by @sandeep1411

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.03 with at the moment 16 Votes for this post

Why Are QA Testing Companies Important

Posted by @rabiul23

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 13 Votes for this post

Amazon Echo Speakers Launched In India

Posted by @iamhaque

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Meet the Sophia robot the humanoid

Posted by @braveheart22

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

Summary of the Made By Google Event 2017

Posted by @aeonoftime

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Google Pixel 2 and 2 XL announced with water resistance dualpixel camera and alwayson display

Posted by @drkalpana

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

Intel set to release a new VR device for Windows VR

Posted by @fury123

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

10 iOS Localization Troubles to Avoid in 2017

Posted by @rabiul23

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

Android Mobile Tv FREE

Posted by @otemzi

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Duolingo Application 20

Posted by @arini

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Meet the Google Pixel 2

Posted by @fury123

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

the jameya lutfiya gaglajur madrasah

Posted by @kayes12345

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Top 15 Websites For Downloading Windows Software For Free

Posted by @faheemahmad

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Watch Now Launch Google Pixel 2 2 XL Live

Posted by @hamazito

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Be careful not to get the powers of routine in your phones It may damage

Posted by @drmor

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Future gadgetsenglish

Posted by @akshat

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

How To Make Helicopter Drone Drone Helicopter does this work

Posted by @sabirisgd48

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

This Spaceship Developed by Space X Will Fly Anywhere on Earth in Less Than an Hour

Posted by @sideflip

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Assembling Teching Single Cylinder Engine Model Full Aluminium

Posted by @sabirisgd48

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Water Skipper Ocean Bike

Posted by @fireshadow

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Little Observed Physical Law

Posted by @kerrymccarpet

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Unboxing google wifi Screw you ORBI

Posted by @spykemajeska

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Hackers are unique

Posted by @shakirullah.udda

Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Smart phones control the world

Posted by @l5taylor

Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

AIl specialists in AI agree that the real danger is coming from bias

Posted by @descu

Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Todays Top Author of category technology:
@tech-trends @maliam @alfarisi @yogesh121 @lily-da-vine @alexiapbullard @lammpi @mytechcrunch @ika497 @techmojo @manvigupta @codingdefined @alexanderrigov @taskmaster4450 @thatsweeneyguy @hasnatahmad @xantrk @fairvote @geek-stuff @coolguy123 @n-ur @darkestpatterns @luqtech @mathsinnature @bakhtiarzehri @sandeep1411 @rabiul23 @iamhaque @braveheart22 @aeonoftime @drkalpana @fury123 @rabiul23 @otemzi @arini @fury123 @kayes12345 @faheemahmad @hamazito @drmor @akshat @sabirisgd48 @sideflip @sabirisgd48 @fireshadow @kerrymccarpet @spykemajeska @shakirullah.udda @l5taylor @descu

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