Apple is expensive?

in #technology5 years ago

Dear readers somes time have not gone to buy a case or charger for your iphone and more than $ 25 a good silicone case this is why:

Some of the issues for which, in my opinion and in many, the Apple products are not so expensive. And I make a notice and it is that I am Apple's lover, but above all of technology. If you expect to criticize Android, Windows as operating systems or Samsung and HP as brands, for example, this is not your post

No, you're not paying to take the apple in Apple products
Whether it's A or B, it seems that having an Apple product gives some prestige in the eyes of some. I personally love the logo of the manzanita but I would exchange it for the Huawei flame, the smiling face of LG or any other logo and brand, if they will assure me that I will receive the same product quality and pre and post-sale service.

When you enter an Apple Store and talk to any employee, even the most novice, you have the feeling that that person knows what you are talking about. He knows how to defend his product and manages to become a good seller almost without wanting to be one. It is obvious that every seller wants and needs to sell, but in Apple unlike other companies, whether or not technology, do not show anxiety or despair to get a sale. They do not doubt what they sell and they know how to describe the product from corner to corner. That, first, is a great asset because you will go home knowing that you have bought and how to use it.

These are the reasons why the iPhone is so expensive
The final price of the iPhone is not more than the sum total of the cost of the actions carried out by Apple before its arrival in the market. And this encompasses a large number of processes related to: research and development, engineering and design, manufacture and purchase of components, materials, manufacturing, assembly, production, marketing ...

Let's go in parts, as a Foxconn employee would say, Apple costs a total of € 207 to make an iPhone 7. This cost is related to the acquisition of components such as the processor, the battery, the cameras, the screen, the sensors, etc. On the other hand, its manufacturing materials (aluminum, copper, cobalt, nickel ...) cost little more than € 1. But before reaching the market the iPhone has to go through a series of very important processes that influence its final cost. As mentioned earlier, all components must be linked in manufacturing and assembly. And this has a price.

In addition, we must take into account the publication of commercial spots, marketing, marketing and even the testing phases, in which all kinds of tests are carried out on the terminal (water, resistance, battery life ...).

But there is still more, unfortunately the company of the bitten apple also has to pay additional export taxes abroad. This is the reason why in the United States it is a little cheaper than in Spain and the rest of countries internationally. We must bear in mind that before reaching your pocket, your iPhone travels all over the world!![]

As you may have seen, the manufacture of the iPhone is not as expensive as it seems, but if we add the cost of all processes we would reach an estimated figure between € 500 - € 600, leaving a margin of € 200 - € 300 for the company's profits . Something completely understandable.

After reading this ... Are you still thinking that the iPhone is too expensive? Should Apple lower their prices?

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