Samsung T5 usb C/ usbC/usb3 storage drive.
Samsung T5 usb C/ usbC/usb3 storage drive
Being a user who likes to backup my files, mostly for music i've bought, via cd's (yes i still use them 😋) & also logic studio backups from the tracks i've made over the years, which gets to the point i'm going to do a small review on.
As someone who backs up on a monthly basis maybe, i've used usb to thunderbolt / firewire, and found firewire to be fairly fast for what i required, but took a little while to do backup transfers upto 30gb if i were using time machine with the orange lacie firewire
Didn't mind the wait due to not being in a rush, though these days some audio files, beit samples or mp3 quality can quite increase, so larger storage is needed..
Today this Samsung T5 usb C/ usbC/usb3 storage 500gb drive arrived today, with 2 types of cable, which all drive makers should offer, long as the drives capable of usb c / usb/2/3 upwards..
Transferring 90gb took a matter or minutes, using the usbC to usbC cable, i couldn't believe it, must've been 4/5minutes, wasnt really counting fully!
The drives fairly small less than a packet of cigarettes for a rough example.
If you use laptops or workhorse machines and require something with a fast speed, i recommend these drives, especially if you're in a hurry, else the orange lacie
drives are plenty. failing that rig up your own m.2 drive
with adaptor and case.