Smart Watch VS Classic Watch

in #technology8 years ago

Smart or Classic

What is a smart watch?

There is a lot of smart watches out at the moment, however I don't want to talk about any specific watches as they all have the same main use.

A smart watch is just an electronic watch however telling time isn't the main use; the smart watch has a lot of functions but the main ones are;

Health is one of the main marketing points for a lot of smartwatches, this aspect of the watch tells you your heart rate, calories burnt, number of steps, average speed and other aspects in the same area.

I think this is one of the best aspects of smartwatches as they can be very helpful and it makes you generally more health conscious, however I think if you are looking for a device to tell you about your health and monitor your heart I would recommend a fitness tracker as they do the job better.

Calls & Notifications:
A smart watch will let you connect to your phone so if you get calls, notifications or emails you will be able to answer them on your watch.

Honestly I think this function is completely pointless because to get notifications it has to be close to your phone, so I don't understand why you would want to answer notifications on a device with a much smaller screen when your phone is in your pocket anyway.

Tracking allows you to track your phone and keys with the right device, so if you lose them you can find them through your watch.

I have to say this is actually a very useful feature to have, as we all know losing your phone or keys is extremely frustrating, even if you know they are in your house they can still take hours to find so the watch can help avoid that.

There is a lot of other apps you can get on a smartwatch that let you do a lot of things, however I think they are mostly rendered completely pointless as phones will have all the same apps and often better versions. I just really can't see why you would want a second smaller and less powerful version of your phone when the majority of people will have their phone at all times anyway.

Also it's just another device you have to worry about keeping charged, and if it does run out and you forget to charge it or charge it instead of your phone you can't use it.

What do they look like?

As I said there are a lot of smartwatches out so there is quite a few different styles you can find. The main trend for smartwatches is to have a rectangular screen.

Although I think at first glance they can look cool for something to wear all the time it just seems a little tacky. I look at it like this; if you were walking down the street and noticed someone with a shiny necklace, then you see at the bottom a small dangling screen you would think that's weird, I think you get the picture but ye it seems a bit unnecessary and that's how I look at most smartwatches.

There is however some smartwatches that do have what i would consider a better design, but I'm still not a huge fan.

Classic watches

I think that a normal watch is a lot more appealing because they are to start of with simple, they do what you need them to do and they are very reliable. A watch can also tell a lot about a person, so choosing the right one can be a difficult, personally I am not a fan of very shiny flashy jewellery and much prefer something simple as there is a lot of beauty in simplicity.

A nice watch is a sign of hard work. I personally have one watch that I would absolutely love to buy, but I can't because I don't have the money, but when I eventually get there I will see the watch as more than just a watch it will also be there to remind me of the hard work that went into getting that watch.

A watch can also be passed down through generations which makes them a lot more special, and you can't really have a smartwatch as a family heirloom.

That is really the main reason I would chose a classic watch over a smartwatch as there is just a lot more meaning behind them. Overall I think a watch should be something special and meaningful and a smartwatch just doesn't have that aspect to it, I also see smartwatches as relatively pointless as explained which is why I will always choose the classic.


Personally, i prefer a classic watch like the ones here. Seiko looks good and last really long. Probably explains why some of the richest folks wear affordable Seikos :)

Building a smart watch does not require to know so many things, that are necessary to craft a mechanical watch. The truth is after 100 years from now Rolex still will be known and respected brand, while Pebble or Fitbit will be most totally forgotten.

As far as I'm concerned a smart watch isn't really a watch but a smart device that you wear. A watch lives on your wrist but has a mechanical heart. It's an intimate relation between the object and its owner that an electronic device cannot replace. The function doesn't define everything :)

As you say the intimate aspect of regular watch can't be replaced and a smart watch is a very different thing as it is a piece of tech and I think because of the history and the whole feel, a regular watch will likely always be superior in my eyes.

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