Strange Guns: The Duck's Foot Pistol

in #technology7 years ago

(Image source)

The duck's foot pistol, so named because its 4 spread out barrels were shaped like the foot of a duck, was designed to take on large groups at close range. It was popular with officers on sailing ships, who often carried a pair of them to "discourage" potential mutineers in the cramped quarters during the late 1700s till early 1800s.

The idea behind this type of pistol is one of confrontation by one person against a group. Hence it was popular among bank guards, sea captains and prison warders. The threat being that one volley shot can kill several men.

The apparent problem here -- is that the completely insane gun wielder clearly missed because he was too busy firing recklessly into a group -- is that you can never hit what you're actually aiming at with a standard duck's foot pistol. You can only hit everything else around it, because none of the four barrels point straight ahead. But that just means you have to remember to think a little differently when handling one: Instead of aiming at the persons you want to kill, you just aim at the one man you want spared and kill the rest of the group around him.


Follow me as @darthnava: "The Will to blog post is stronger than Steem!"


One of the many cool and unique boarding guns of the time period. I really like the ones with the Tomahawks on them.

That sounds awesome!

How cool would this be in the zombie apocalypse?

Looks like what the heroes in The Last of the Mohicans would wield.

I've never seen this pistol before..pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing some knowledge, keep steemin' on!

I'm glad you liked it.

i like the design and invention, though it not aimed on strickt point but it can threaten you when it shoot and fire in range. the gang-bang group are must in fear that time about the gun. thanks.

wow that's something so unique and innovative, i really like it wooden handle so beautifully crafted but you are right it must be used with extreme care and caution and i think it is created to be used in extreme close quarter combats, thanks for sharing

It is hard to hit something with that gun unless you are in close proximity with your target because only four bullets will come out from it when fired. But if it were a shotgun, be somewhere but nowhere in front or near it LOL.

That's nuts buddy. Never saw anything like that. What got you into weapons to begin with? I think that is a cool hobby.

I am no gun freak but I do like military history.

Wonderful's looking something freak like it's not a real pistol. I am seeing this kind of pistol first time.

Hah! Aim at who you want to spare! Great post. Keep it up with the obscure guns. Vince&Jules.JPG

never ever imagined of a gun like this :O

Hey.. @darthnava this 1 steemit pistol 🔫🔫🔫hahhaa.nice post bro,

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