Flat Earther Now Claims He Will Launch His Homemade Rocket From a Balloon

in #technology7 years ago

From The Maine Edge

“Mad” Mike Hughes is convinced that the Earth is flat.

The 61-year-old California limo driver is so certain in his belief that he built a rocket out of $20,000 worth of scrap metal and parts, with the intention of launching himself from the Mojave Desert to the edge of space. The launch, set to occur in November, was mysteriously scrubbed at the last moment, prompting an undeterred Hughes to announce a new plan involving both the rocket and a very expensive balloon.

I spoke with Hughes last week and found him to be friendly and more than a little eccentric. His worldview - that nearly everything we accept as reality is actually a smoke-and-mirrors show operated by the government - isn’t one that I subscribe to, but it was fun to talk with him about it.

Hughes’s Facebook page is populated with a mix of fellow believers and belittling social media bullies. To his credit, Hughes responds to the latter with respect, merely suggesting they conduct their own research on the subject.

TME: Why do you believe that the Earth is flat?

Hughes: We live in a country where everybody has free thought and speech. At least that’s what it used to be based on. After four to six months of steady research, I could no longer dismiss the fact that Earth is flat.

I research everything, from our history, to our laws and our wars. I have three lawsuits in court right now where I’m the attorney. I’m the prosecutor. I also taught myself how to be a rocket scientist. I could no longer dismiss the fact that we live on some kind of a Frisbee or a disc. We do not live on a globe. It isn’t possible.

TME: There are probably millions of images of Earth taken from space - some dating back to 1947 - which show the Earth as a globe. For all of those images to be doctored would take a massive conspiracy involving countless people.

Hughes: Most things do. Look up the Antarctic Treaty. That country has been militarized. Everything is smoke and mirrors. Think about this. Australia – which is supposedly on the other side of the planet – is upside down yet they’re holding the waters in the ocean. Now how is that happening? How is the sun actually 93 million miles away? We were taught that the moon is illuminated by the sun. It’s not. The moon emits its own light. And the dark side of the moon is actually warmer than the side that’s lit. These are some examples. Nothing is what we think it is.

TME: There’s a lot to unpack there. I’m not sure where to start.

Read more: http://www.themaineedge.com/adventure/mad-mike-hughes-%E2%80%93-limo-driver-turned-rocket-man

I'm now convinced more than ever these is just a daredevil doing a cash grab and he doesn't actually believe in a flat earth.

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the most frustrating thing about talking about flat earth is people's unwillingness to look at the proof, like the gyroscope.

And what you wouldn't realize until you try and talk to people about it is the tremendous forces that are against you, that won't talk facts, but try and talk over your head, try and claim that you aren't scientific, that somehow your mental facilities are lacking, and simply condescending.

Until you see the huge push to maintain the globe theory, it is hard to imagine that it is needed if a globe earth is our reality... why not let them think that? who cares? because science is not on their side.. so they invented pseudo-science back by big names and tests you can't perform in your home. When you point out the fallacy of any of their globe earth experiments that 'prove a globe earth' they just retract and claim that was never a proof anyway.

I never thought i'd be a Flat Earther, and I don't know that I like that title still, as it has been deliberately shamed. Just look at the evidence, read the articles, give it a chance.

Here is my strongest evidence I think I have, which cannot be rebuked in my opinion.


also see http://www.ericdubay.com/

I know what you mean- however I am proud to be a flat earther! I stand with all true great societies and thinkers. The Mayans and Tesla to name two that blow any modern scientist or dogma out of the water.

It's easy to be mocked by the drooling candycrushing masses, but actual debate never fails to reveal the huge impotence of modern scientific beliefs.

I really like your posting system and great to see your post.

They're all for the money grab!

Lol....flat earth?

Cool article~ shared 😇

Poor Mike. He's bought into the drivel of the flat earthers... If its so true why doesn't some rich flat-eather fund him properly, do actual researcher, and ensure that he doesn't kill himself. BTW taking pictures and making YouTube videos is not responsible research. Neither is this side-show act.

With the exception of the greco-roman secret societies -EVERY single enlightened culture on earth for millennia believed in the fixed flat earth, and the rotating heavens above - the Egyptians, Mayans, Chinese, Vedics, Aborigine, Mazotec, Native Americans - drivel you say?
NASA was created by von Braugn the decorated NAZI, I think it's time for you to do some research for yourself - and stop watching the cartoons that NASA feeds us.

Yes, and they all created colorful and rich explanations for something they did not understand, at the time. The ancient Greeks and Islamic scholars all understood and related to the sphericity of the earth. The ancient Chinese actually thought the earth was square until one of their scholars depicted the spherical earth in the 17th century. So you see. Those cultures progressed, experimented, researched and moved on to rational scientific explanations beyond their fables and culturally created understandings. Long before NASA.

Hahahaha ! Seriously laughing hard at the idea of the Egyptians, Mazotecs, Aztecs, Sumerians, and all the great astrological empires not understanding the heavens and earth and their interrelationship. Good one - leave it to the white people right? Try to construct an Aztec star calendar pyramid and get back to me. :)

While you're at it, apply the observable laws of gravity as demonstrated by Galileo at the leaning tower, and apply it to the solar system - find any discrepancies?

But what beautiful pictures NASA paints, no?

Sure the easiest definitive experiment would be:
Go to a large body of water with land on both shores that is accessible to you.. ideally the shores should be 30-50 miles from each other to clearly see the power of this experiment. On one shore put a marking stick that you drive into the ground at water level, with incremental marks as you like.
Now, go to the other shore, and take a telescope or a modern camera with a nice zoom function, something that transcends the limitations of the perspective of the human eye.
Now, calculate the exact distance between you and the object in relation to the circumference of the Earth, and figure out how much the water should be bending to conform to the shape of the theoretical ball.
Now depending on the size of the waves on the surface of the water, set your telescopic device to as low as possible (you have to factor in this height into your equation).
Now last step : observe. (spoiler alert - the water doesn't bend to conform to the theoretical ball shape)
But that's not the easiest:
Another experiment would be: next time you are in a hot air balloon(airplane) - notice does the horizon extend indefinitely and always meet the eye as it would on a massive flat plane, or does it curve away and downwards from your perspective as it would on a sphere?
But probably the easiest would be:
Go to a large body of still water ie a Great Lake: notice how the reflections of the surface of the water are identical to the objects they are reflecting. A perfect mirror. For a great example of how this works google: Bolivian salt flats - an expanse of 100s of miles with a perfect mirror reflection of the heavens. If we lived on a ball, these images would be impossible as the water would be conforming to the sphere and subsequent 'gravity'.

I gave a few different ideas here as everyone will have a different concept of 'easy to perform'

Wouldn't recommend the hot air balloon. You need to be at approximately 35,000 feet or higher and have an unobstructed view (cloudless) of the horizon with a 60-degree field of view to see the curvature. Most commercial planes fly between 28,000 - 35,000 feet. Hence the futility of Mike's rocket launch. Have a look at the footage of Felix Baumgartner's space jump and World Record of 2012 - 120,000 feet up. It's pretty apparent. Is that not what Mike is trying to do... (check, already done) - So, why doesn't the Flat Earth Society or flat-earthers fund a jump like that? Instead of a homemade rocket that won't even make 1800 feet, and probably kill Mike. You guys can control all the documentation etc. (I know, I know, Felix Baumgartner's space jump was faked) It seems like a logical step.

Yeah - I am not a fan of this rocket launch or anything- also I am not a member of the flat earth society or any other group - just a simple human making simple observations aka scientist.
However if the flat earth society had a budget on par with NASA I have no doubt that they could come up with something interesting to show for it. And yes you beat me to the punch but that space jump is very falsified. As are many of the ISS shots with air bubbles clearly seen.
As is most, if not all, of what NASA puts forth.
Please compare the following. Or is it just my mind playing tricks on me ? ;) See you.

Those cultures/civilizations had to make up fables and stories to explain the physical world. They told them to mainly non-literate peoples through ceremonies and storytelling. They also had no reason to go further than those explanations.

The Aztec- Mayan calendars demonstrate that they understood, very accurately, the relationship (orbit) between Earth and Venus. It also describes the Pleiades-Earth alignment (52 years cycle) in precise detail. So yes, the anceint understood some physicality of the solar system. Again, the rest was fables and stories to fill in the gaps. I assume you don't think the earth is sitting on the top of a giant turtle (fable to fill the gap).

There is no documented evidence that there ever was an experiment by Galileo at the tower of Pisa. However, Galileo did produce a measurable and repeatable manner of measuring the acceleration of falling bodies. I don't quite get the tie in with the solar system and measuring gravity by Galileo. Can you explain what you mean?

Nice self-upvote too ;-)

Yes, I occasionally self upvote, and I like to keep it in a nice proportion to voting on noobs and content that inspires me... ever heard of voting bots/follow circles/like for like? Some of the most popular functions on steem. Maybe you have a problem with the whole economics of steem? If you give me a good debate - I might upvote you too ;)

I will explain for you:
What repeatable observable physics clearly demonstrates is that, aerodynamics/ air resistance aside, 'gravity' has the same effect on a 1 kg weight as a 100 kg weight. Go up on your apartment building and try it for your self with water bottles if you dont believe that Galileo was performing scientific inquiries.
Actually this works not just 100x but 10,000,000x and we could logically assume that there is no end to this PERFECT symmetry of 'gravity'.
But wait, I thought that gravity was a function of mass being attracted to another mass and increases in 'force' relative to the massiveness of any particular object. We can clearly see with this basic experiment IT DOES NOT. So if Mercury is water bottle A and Jupiter is water bottle B and the Earth is the Sun - the 'force of gravity' would be identical on both objects. But this is the exact opposite of what we are taught about the mechanics of the universe. Before you go digging for the equations that justify this backwards logic, please ponder this for yourself. 'Gravity ' is equal to all things, inertia is a completely separate function, this also renders mass and weight as the same concept - which is also true and provable . If mass and weight were different, then a gram would weigh different amounts at the north pole and equator (from centrifugal force), up in the air and underground (from its proximity to the main source of 'gravity' the Earth's 'mass'). However none of these things are true. Actually a dear friend of mine who worked for International Weights and Measures confirmed this, and he doesnt give a flip about the shape of the Earth.
In his words " A gram is a gram, an oz is an oz" Our whole system of trade and barter depends on these concepts. However on paper, a diamond travelling from the equator to the northpole would have gained .5% in weight - this has never happened. Thus is the problem with Freemasonic formulae vs real life- if you pay attention - you start to notice its all BS.
Thanks for reading.


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