BCI - Direct brain-computer interfacing

in #technology8 years ago

BCI - Direct brain-computer interfacing

What is BCI?

According to wikipedia "A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI), or brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device. BCIs are often directed at researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. "

Body and Mental Strategies with Brain Patterns have now a digital interface to transform them into bytes and act on any computer or machine
Cognitive neuroscience, nanotechnolgy and brain imaging technologies are creating the possibility to provide us with the ability to interface directly with the human brain and a way to interact with machines, products or systems

Human-machine interfaces ( HMI) are intrusive or non intrusive skin-like electronic systems, that will develop the technologies of nanomechanics, soft materials, biomolecular interactions, and nano-micro fabrication with an emphasis on bio-interfaced nanoengineering.

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) - Systems Scope and Definitions

BCIs capture brain activity with several techniques, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), spectroscopy, and electroencephalography (EEG) using sensors to measure the electrical current produced by the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp.

A brain-computer interface (BCI) links a direct output channel between the human brain and external devices to infer user intentions reading the direct measures of brain activity and patterns enabling communication control without movement

Our brains are neural nets with neurons, individual nerve cells connected to one another by dendrites and axons.

The sensors and electrodes can be partially or totally intrusive and non intrusive and read the Rhythmic waves of the EEG activity of the Brain Waves amplitude and Frequency Range

Type Frequency range Meaning
Delta 0.5 to 3.5 Hz The highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. It is seen in adults in slow wave sleep as well as in babies.
Theta 3.5 to 7.5 Hz. Theta is linked to inefficiency and daydreaming. In fact, the very lowest waves of theta represent the fine line between being awake or in a sleep. High levels of theta are not normal abnormal in adults.
Alpha 7.5 to 12 Hz The "Alpha Wave” of Hans Berger - Seen in the posterior regions of the head on both sides, is higher in amplitude on the dominant side. It is brought out by closing the eyes and by relaxation.
Some studies found a super rise in alpha power when smoking pot (marijuana)
Beta 12 Hz to 30 Hz Measurable on both sides in a symmetrical distribution and it is most clear frontally. Beta waves( divided into β1 and β2) to specificy the range.
Waves small and fast when resisting or trying to suppress movement, or solving a math problem that can generate an increase of beta activity.
Gamma 31 Hz and up It reflects the mechanism of consciousness.

From the technical point of view, a BCI system operates in 4 phases:

Signal Acquisition Brain signals are recorded on the scalp of the users using electrodes, which are mounted on an EEG cap in a non-invasive way, no harm to the user.
Signal Preprocessing The measured signals are quite weak, even eye-blinks greatly influence them. Complex algorithms are applied to enhance the signal quality to reveal the brain patterns and activity
Decoding/Encoding Preprocessed signals are analyzed with modern machine learn methods to identify the brain patterns
Control and Feedback Every action should cause or implicate an adequate reaction, with a circle of systems implication or causality in which Artificial intelligence will have a fundamental role

Neurofeedback - Neurofeedback is biofeedback focused on signals and measurements of the brain like emotiv applications for self control of body and mind activity and is non-invasive, and translate our body's distinctive signals like a digital print into a multitude of forms - sound, visual and sensory.
Brainwave Entrainment - brainwave entrainment is a method of stimulating this activity using patterns of sound or light.
EEG biofeedback is training to increase flexibility and resilience of brain states based on electrical brainwave patterns available at the scalp.
Electrodes or sensors are small, sensitive metal conductors placed on the scalp.

BCI Applications

There are 4 main application areas where BCI assistive technology will have a real, measurable impact, in terms of pre-clinical validation, for people with motor disabilities enabling Communication and Control, Motor Substitution, Entertainment, Motor Recovery.

The Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) will develop natural and intuitive human-computer interaction (HCI) designs, providing a new communication channel for severely disabled people who have completely or partially lost control over muscular activity

Communication tool for severe disabilities such as tetraplegia, locked-in syndrome, Neurorehabilitation of results of neurological diseases or injuries, Lie detection, Brain Fingerprinting, Trust assessment, in Health such as sleep-stage or mood monitoring to learn to self-regulate your Cognitive-state, such as workload, fatigue, alertness, and to monitor plain pilots, air traffic controllers, operators in factories

Oldest and best players in the market

Emotiv (San Francisco) and Neurosky (San Jose) both in California, are designing and making reality one of the most paradigmatic myths technology, the telekinetic, ie, the ability to modify and manipulate the reality passing directly from thought to action without any intervention of manipulation commands or manual interaction interfaces machines and / or computers,

Actual mice, gaming consoles and other manual controls will become obsolete.!!!!!

- This device allows operation of all types of software and handling of machines with control systems, applying to various industries such as gaming, medical research, marketing, accessibility and design new generations of digital medium.

- At a first glance these devices are ideal for the market sector of games and software, but the most important part for humanity is the research in neurosciences and its use in people with physical and / or neurological disabilities.

EEG & ECG Biosensor Solutions - Neurosky and Brainware Solutions - Emotiv

The pioneer of this new neuro-technology was Emotiv to create a next-generation interface for man-machine interface, headsets or mindsets that are non intrusive, that uses EEG sensors (electroencephalography), to read the signs of electrical activity and brain processing, including the Conscious and Unconscious of the user, and translate them into specific actions in games,machines, software operation, wheelchair, artificial limb and so on among others.

- The Emotiv Headset and NeuroSky Mindset communicate wirelessly with simple connection to USB plug with consoles, computers and other electronic devices and are based on new findings from the fields of neurobiology and neurosciences

- This reality that sounds like science fiction, astoundingly it is available on the market for many years but there are some differences in the costs versus sensors, although both seem to play their similarly aim

- While the helmet of Emotiv has 18 sensors, NeuroSky threw his final price to 19.99 dollars, but this only has an EEG sensor

A hi-resolution 14 channel mobile EEG used for contextualized scientific research grade results. Just $799.00 :)

A prosumer 5 channel mobile EEG used by engaged individuals seeking better understanding of their brains and mental states. - $299.00

Other Players

TOBI is developing a non-invasive brain-computer interaction prototypes combined with other assistive technologies (AT) that will have a real impact in improving the quality of life of disabled people, using non-invasive BCI to read the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals.

A Kickstarter campaign started Opening , an open hardware initiative to provide cheap and accessible EEG acquisition equipment (electrodes, skull caps, acquisition hardware). You can electronic boards compatible with the Eduino platform for 8 or 16 electrodes that can capture a multitude physiological signals.


BCI - Brain-computer interface
MMI - Mind-machine interface
DNI - Direct neural interface
STI - Synthetic telepathy interface
BMI - Brain–machine interface
HCI - Human-Computer Interaction
NCI- Neural Control Interfaces
fNIRS - Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
SAI - Superhuman Artificial Intelligence
MEG- Magnetoencephalography (records the magnetic fields associated with brain activity. )
fMRI - Functional magnetic resonance imaging - measure small changes in the blood oxygenation level-dependent
BOLD - signals associated with cortical activation
NIRS - Like fMRI also near infrared spectroscopy Article on steemit @krishtopa
Brain-computer interface or how to control things mentally

Videos - too much

Mind Control Device Demonstration - Tan Le

Inspiring Projects - Imec EEC Headset

Demo Video from Neurosky

Emotiv Epoc Press Demo

EPOC Emotiv Systems @ tweakfest 09

GDC 08: EPOQ Neuroheadset Demo

Control a computer with only your brain

BrainGate lets your brain control the computer

Emotiv.com - Play Video Games by Thinking About It

Emotiv Press Video with Closed Captions

Emotiv Stonehenge Demo

Flight Sims, Mind-Controlled Headsets, and More

Emotiv's Mind-Reading Headset

Emotiv Interview

Mind Controlled game controller

Demo of Game created for Emotiv's EPOC

The Amazing Mind Reading Headset

Very interesting post and topic!
I had no idea such technology was already so advanced
EDIT: following you for more

Yes it's gonna take some time until it gets generalized like computers and phones

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