First Camera Able to See Through Your Body

in #technology7 years ago

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At present there are many medical techniques and procedures dedicated especially to look inside our body, giving the specialists the possibility of detecting anomalies that affect the functioning of our body.

In the near future we see new possibilities that promises to take a step beyond the exploration of our body.

A group of researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom (Scotland) have invented a new type of camera that will revolutionize the way we look inside the human body. With this futuristic medical tool we will be able to detect and guide the tools used to explore within the structures of the human body.


This new system works by detecting light sources emitted by exploratory instruments, such as ENDOSCOPES, up to 20 centimeters behind body tissue. This significantly simplifies the arduous task of directing the instrument to the affected area.

In turn, it replaces very expensive techniques, such as x-rays, used to detect such tools, lowering the costs of the process and knowing the exact point in which the instrument is.

The existing prototype of this powerful camera is specially designed to work in conjunction with endoscopes; these instruments have a long and thin structure equipped at the end with a camera and a light source that allows to see inside the cavities of the body.


This procedure has for years been a very valuable tool for medical specialists, used in various types of medical procedures, but until now it was very difficult to detect the location of the instrument in the body, without resorting to very expensive additional systems. Since light usually usually disperses and bounces off the tissues and structures of the organs, emitting diffuse images of very poor quality.

The powerful capability of this new camera is based on advanced technology of detection of photons, elementary particles found in light energy. This device is highly sensitive, capable of detecting individual particles of light that are transmitted through human tissue.

With the integration of thousands of these photon detectors inside the camera, the device makes it possible to "see" through the tissue and detect the luminous traces emitted by the endoscope, determining the exact point where the tool is located, in addition , is able to calculate the time it takes light to pass through the body.


"This is an enabling technology that allows us to see through the human body,"

"The ability to see a device's location is crucial for many applications in healthcare, as we move forwards with minimally invasive approaches to treating disease."says senior researcher Kev Dhaliwal. (Source)

This project is framed in the project [Proteus Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration] (, focused on the investigation of new technologies that allow, through images, to diagnose various diseases pulmonary and respiratory diseases.

"It has immense potential for a variety of applications, such as the one described in this paper. The ability to see the location of a device is crucial for many applications in healthcare as we move forward with minimally invasive approaches to treating the disease". Says Kev Dhaliwal, of the University of Edinburgh. (Source)


This technology will provide physicians the ability to efficiently visualize both the length and the light end of the exploratory tools, providing a new focus on what exploratory diagnoses are concerned.

There are still many more studies to determine the scope of this camera for other applications within the scientific and health world. And its developers say that with the new versions will be incorporating substantial improvements in image quality and speed of response.

It is wonderful how technology advances tirelessly in the field of medicine, providing new opportunities to significantly help people who need it so much, this type of news should flood this increasingly deteriorated world.



Another important step towards operating on people, with the least invasive approach possible. Think about how technology such as this may reduce the recovalence of post-surgey pasients!

Finally , the technology is so superior to see that deep. Great Post Carlos @globetrottergcc

@carlos-cabeza This is supercool! Thanks! Followed
Nice posts sir... I totally agree with you. Love it. Followed.

@carlos-cabeza What a wonderful and heartwarming Tale. Upvoted.

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