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RE: Piracy on Steemit, a Rising Problem?

in #technology7 years ago

interesting article, so what you are basicly suggesting is that on all occations when a picture/video is used here. there should be a "source credit" right?
Unless ofcourse you yourself has made the photo/video.

This could help out sorting original from reposts surely, I have seen a couple who only posts photos like they actually took that photo which they didnt. Perhabs it depends on how it is used?

Or maybe there should be a small box under the box you write in where you can type in all the image/video sources youve used so it will be lined at the bottom of the post made.


and now at the bottom of my post is the source íve used for this picture.

But this can raise another "piracy issue" What if the website you took it from, took it from someone else?
you cant really know that unless there actually is a copyright on the picture itself, and you support the pirate by linking to his/crime.

I think you are on to something, but it is also very very questionable how it can be correcly linked to the original creator.



Yeah, that's exactly what I would like to see (for images anyway). As you can see in this post, underneath each image I put a link to the source I found it at (just Google Images mind you, but the original image can be viewed from there).

However yes, you do have a point. How can we know where the image actually comes from. I guess the only way to make it work is to have everybody be honest and link back to the original source.. Then there would be no confusion. But that's a bit too much positive thinking I feel...

But yeah, unless the image or media is yours, I think you should always state where you found it. After all, it essentially is stealing.

Definitely more to think about, that's for sure....

Thanks for such a great and in-depth comment. I appreciate it! And thanks for reading :)

Well this subject interests me :)
and I think I from now on will list the sources I use for pictures to be a good example.

But surely, just link to where you found it would be a good start, then your own back is safe.

my idea would be something like this:

and all sources and credits will be listed at the bottom in grey so they arent "disturbing"

a new box under the blog/reply box instead of under every picture used. then you can have a full list of credits and not annoyingly listed throughout the post.

oh and also, you do know you are allowed to use 5 tages on your post right?
in this case you probably should as it is a subject that needs more attention I would say :)

Me too! For sure.

As a photographer, I thank you for that, I've had my pictures used before without my permission and it really sucks... Sometimes you can act about it and do something, but half the time it's just not even worth it. It would just be nice if it never happened in the first place.

Yeah, while we don't have power over other people providing sources for their media, at least we can ourselves! And hopefully we can lead by example and people will follow.

Hmm, that's actually a really cool idea, I like it a lot! It would keep the post clean, but have all the relevant information!

Oh, I thought I had 5 tags already! I will change it... But I'm really not sure what to tag it as!

Yea I can imagine that must suck a little...

Dont know about the tag.

My upvote isnt worth much so hope this helps :)

Thank you very much! I appreciate it a lot :)

I'm going to keep thinking about it and see what I can come up with! I hope we can bring more attention to this problem.

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