Flying motorcycle coming to the market

in #technology7 years ago

Not the imagination, but the real world is going to fly. Since the beginning of this year, personalized flying machines will start selling in the US market. Kitty Hawk, a US entrepreneur, is making an example of flying machines like the flying motorcycle. The name given to the flyer. Google is helping the US technology Institution. Google co-founder Larry Page has invested in the behind-the-fly cars. Today's news agency AFP reported that flyer prototype made by Kitty Hawk will be available at the end of 2017.

Recently a video was released on behalf of Silicon Valley entrepreneur Kitty Huq. After that, the talk of flying bikes started in the world of technology. In the video released on Monday, flying bikes are shown. In addition to this, the announcement of the release of the flying car market is announced this year. The key is to comment on the title of the Hawk Authority, their goal of making the dream of a private flying carrier a reality. When everyone has the opportunity to drive such a vehicle, then there will be ample possibilities.

There is only one seat in the flying hybrid flyer prototype. It has two platforms like Pontoon and Spider Nets. On the water, the car was broadcasted on the watch scene. No information has been published in the area.

There are eight fans in the voyage. It can get from the soil like a helicopter. Its weight is like 100 kg. It can fly over 15 feet in 25 miles per hour. Kitty Hawk says, flyer goes to the new electric. It is safe, tested. It is legal to run it in the densely populated area of ​​the United States due to the rules of light flying plan. It does not have any license for the driver. Only two hours of training are enough. However, there was no detail about the bike on the website of Qi Haq.

QT Haq's president Sebastian Thron said in a tweet that the future of personal contact is going to change. The company is giving three years membership to buy the car. Starting at the waiting list at the beginning of the list is $ 100. For those who will order in advance, there will be a concession for them. At the end of this year the price of the bike will be announced.

Kitty Haak, a news agency, told AFP in an email, has worked as an engineer for flying cars, Arvvoo, an entrepreneur of the enterprise, engineer Cameron Robertson and Tod Reichart. During the sale, the original design may be different than the prototype design.

Cameron Morris, a man named by the car, tested it and tested it. He wrote in a blog post, It's like a flying motorcycle. In front of the seat you have to move in front of the lean.

Airbus, a European firm, is working to build flyovers in addition to Kitty Hawk.

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