The Super-Rich Are The Most Paranoid Preppers Of All: Superyacht Getaway Subs And Luxury Bomb Shelters

in #technology6 years ago


The prepping needs of the elite has become a multi-million dollar business. But why is it when the rich begin to spend their fortunes prepping on a large scale, the mainstream media mock those in lower classes doing the same?

Superyachts, escape submarines, luxurious bomb shelters and cutting edge home security are just some of the latest strategies employed by elitists’ to ensure their families safety in the event of a society meltdown. Their concerns are not fantastical; they’re spending big dollars preparing for what may come. Do they know something that we do not?


In one article published last week, EveningStandard explores the fast paced technology and strategy now being embraced by the super wealthy. Nuclear-proof panic rooms and DNA-laced security mist would be something expected in a James Bond movie, but are in fact the reality of rich Londoners.

Heyrick Bond Gunning should know. He sells these products to his clients through his firm Salamanca Risk Management, guaranteeing that you won’t be bothered by those you don’t want to be bothered by. “We ended up installing fingerprint-activated locks for family members and programmable keys for staff that limit the time they are allowed into the property and the rooms they are able to enter and exit,” he says of one billionaire client. “Should an intruder evade the cameras or ignore the warnings they automatically broadcast, the property itself is protected by bulletproof glass and alarm sensors in all rooms. There is a bullet, gas and bombproof panic or safe room, with its own food and water, medical supplies and communications, and an impregnable supply of fresh air. Just in case the family cannot make it there in time, key rooms are sealed by reinforced shutters.”

If you think that’s over the top, even as a prepper, or you’re a little jealous, that’s just the tip of the iceberg for protection services against an oncoming apocalypse or mass revolution from a rise of the poor. How about your own escape submarine hidden in your escape superyacht just for that moment of escape if it arises? Or your own secluded farm in New Zealand with its own private airstrip? Or a luxurious bomb shelter that includes “sumptuous black leather couches, wall art featuring cheerful Parisian street scenes, towering faux ferns, and plush carpets,” for its residents?


Nervous financiers are snatching up land and airstrips and have been doing so since the riots in London and Ferguson in 2014. All the while people like you and I are mocked for meeting our own prepping needs.

What is it they aren’t telling us?


Even the rich can be paranoid

You mean well prepared?

Ill split the difference and agree on both. Paranoid and well prepared

I got called "a little bit paranoid" today. As a PI who makes enemies on a regular basis and a person who has no illusion of ignorance, I believe my stance is not paranoid at all. Other people looking at me from the outside, without the information I have, understandably may look at me as paranoid. That's fine to me too.

Personal and residential security can always be improved, and improving them doesn't make you paranoid. It makes you smart.

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