China is building a Particle Collider 7X bigger than Large Hadron Collider in Europe

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

This is CRAZY!!

China will build the world's largest particle collider, 7X bigger than the LHC CERN particle collider in the 27 mile long tunnel in the Swiss Alps. The CERN Particle Collider in the Swiss Alps made physicist scientistists discover the most sought socalled "God Particle" on the creation of the universe and the beginning of matter and anti-matter. There are reports that the cause of alterration in the weather phenomenon and natural disaster is a consequene of the power of the CERN. While some say that the weather and atmospheric anomaly is caused the HAARP. Are man's discovery and scientific inventions leading to man's destruction on Earth?

LHC is both the largest and most complex machine mankind has EVER built? It's circular underground tunnel measures 27km in length.

According to Wang Yifang, director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences "We have completed the initial conceptual design and organized international peer review recently, and the final conceptual design will be completed by the end of 2016,"


Cool, now they just have to built it...

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Actually this post is not fully correct. China has post Large Hadron Collider projects, as CERN or Japan have too by the way. All those projects are international projects for which the funding is expected to originate from several sources. It is not currently clear which one will be funded, if any.

thanks for rectifying

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