The Mini Desktop Computer: A Phone-Based Laptop Alternative

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Is this a stupid idea? It kinda looks like it even to me, but I can't nail down exactly how. The story is that recently, I've been looking for some way to write on the go. I don't want a laptop unless I'm going 100% with it and buying one capable of supporting Oculus. But that's over a grand.

I also don't want a chromebook, netbook, etc. because I already have my phone. I resent the idea of buying lots of little computers in slightly different form factors. My phone already works fine. I just need some way to type on it. So, I bought this bluetooth keyboard:


It was $18 so it's not the end of the world if I spill my drink on it or something. The keys are backlit so I can type at my favorite cafe, outdoors, at night. Having already received it in the mail at the time of writing, it's got nice clicky keys using scissor switches instead of mushy rubber membrane switches, and feels nice to type on.


The bluetooth mouse I got works fine. It's like any other wireless optical mouse except it feels very light. Many people don't know that if you pair a bluetooth mouse with an Android phone, a cursor appears on the screen and you can operate the GUI much in the same way that you would a desktop computer.


The mousepad has really nice build quality with faux leather and stitches around the edges. I am considering replacing it with one of those ergonomic mousepads with an integrated gel pad for your wrist however.


Here's the mouse and keyboard on my desk, matching nicely with my full size PC setup. They pair with my phone and work nicely. As expected, the only problem is that when propped up in front of me, my phone's screen is too small to comfortably read onscreen text. I thought of a solution to that: A folding fresnel magnifier:


I didn't think to check where it was shipping from. So now it's on the slow boat from China and will be here in a month. Live and learn. But you can see how it will be the last piece of the puzzle? Like a monitor for this mini desktop setup. That's what it is, too.

Unlike a laptop where the keyboard is in a fixed, cramped, closeup location next to the screen, the different components of this setup can be moved around. I can put the keyboard off to one side, or in my lap. I can put the mousepad and mouse comfortably away from the monitor, whatever.


Every review I could find says the magnifier works very well. You might look at all this stuff and say "isn't that complicated? Why not just buy one of those netbooks that hooks up to your phone and gives it a bigger screen and keyboard?" The answer is that all of this gear, together, cost me only $60 shipped. It does the exact same thing but in a more low tech way, and feels more comfortable to use.

Maybe in the end I'll decide I really do want one of those. The Mirabook looks quite nice. But then maybe this solution, once I have the last component, will prove superior. Either way it's a worthwhile experiment.

Oh, and yes I have seen the movie Brazil. Yes, that's where I got the idea for this from:



I saw something similar to this at my cousins place in India and it wasn't that bad.

Yes...I have this magnifier lens. It works fine.
@alexbeyman : great idea

I have recently bought a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and I am very impressed with it . Great to use the mouse for laptops as well.

They are just coming out with new things to attract people honestly , companies have to make their profit , they change the littlest things just so people buy it

They look nice. I wish i had them too. Hope they serve the purpose, you got them for.

Keep making content and promoting your Steem page on Steemit Chat. Soon you will be able to afford many things you couldn't before.

Thanks for the advice. I hope to work on that.

Question pls. What is steem page?

What you're on right now. Everybody on this website has a Steem page. Yours is here:

Yes i knew this. But i was just wondering were i would promote it on steemit chat.

In the post promotion section, which is what I linked you to.

Ok. One last question. It is my blog i would be promoting there right not my steem page rite?.

This can work quite nicely, but depends entirely on the phone. Sadly it will not be an alternative to a laptop, but it might be a nice alternative to a tablet.
I just hate to think about carrying all those loose parts with me all day but that might be just me..

I expect they'll all fit in a soft tablet carrying case.

This was interesting! I didn't know that I can connect a keyboard on my phone. In steemit can find really interesting information if you follow the right persons. It seems that you have gamer mouse and keyboard..haha

Very useful gadget when you need a PC and don't have a space for a laptop, i've seen some similar products but in chinese pages

Very nice idea from you this, so interesting your soul and your character alex. nice thought

This is great in theory but in reality nobody would carry that many additional items for hardly any additional features.

I absolutely love my MacBook Air, and I don't think anything could ever really replace it. It's tiny enough for me to carry everywhere, and I literally don't go anywhere without it. You never know when the inspiration to post on Steemit might strike. :)

Looks like a pretty nice setup. What's nice is you know all your information's on the phone, so when you need to travel light you can take just that with you and be confident you have access to your work.

Plus, working with that magnifier and little screen isn't going to be good for much other than writing - which is a great way to force yourself to focus on writing. (This is why I love typewriters, but they're a lot heavier.)

Proof will be in the pudding. Once you've got it set up, how much do you actually use it? Looking forward to the follow-up post!

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