Are you depressed? Smartphone knows you

in #technology5 years ago

People with depression weaken vowels and laugh less.

Just before suicide, a lot of breath is mixed and speaks in a breathing voice.

Mental illnesses avoid gaze. Raise your eyebrows often to avoid eye contact.

Schizophrenic patients often do not use words to express time and place.


A study of the subtle movements of facial muscles, changes in tone and language, and gaze can lead to an objective assessment of mental health. Luis Philippe Morensi Carnegie Mellon, a professor of human behavior and computer science, says artificial intelligence (AI) can help prevent suicide attempts in depressed patients.

Moreency says AI has great potential in mental health care. Usually, the diagnosis of psychiatrist is subjectively determined by the doctor who sees the information on the patient.

AI, on the other hand, uses facial recognition and speech recognition technology to analyze the patient's condition. Both can be approached from different perspectives to improve prescription and treatment.


Professor Morensi said he has identified and indexed behavioral indicators for people with mental illness, including depression, and said it would be useful for treatment compared to a month ago.

In fact, researchers at Columbia University and Pittsburgh University are conducting a clinical trial using the label. It targets young people who have committed suicide or are at high risk of suicide and monitor their smartphones.

Researchers will collect information from smartphones, such as cameras and voice recordings, for action signs suggested by Dr. Morrensi. The same goes for social media, text, email and phone. To analyze the words, actions, voices, and expressions they use.


If risk behaviour is seen during the study, AI will be taken to inform the researchers and staff immediately and to contact a doctor or emergency service.

There were also privacy concerns about the study, but the researchers said their subjects and their families also agreed to the test. And by monitoring, subtle changes in the patient were convinced that not only suicide prevention but also treatment would be helpful.

The researchers also said they are developing information protection technology and technology that delivers the treatment to the attending physician in real time. He added that the technology could be useful for patients who were discharged after treatment for depression.

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