5G Wireless Tech to Blanket the World With Microwave Frequencies NEVER Deemed Safe for Human Exposure

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

"Unlike some countries, we do not believe we should spend the next couple of years studying what 5G should be or how it should operate ... we won't wait for the standards. Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future."

That is what FCC Chair Tom Wheeler told an audience while speaking at the National Press Club in June of 2016.

5th generation (5G) mobile networks and wireless systems are the next phase of high-speed mobile technology. The FCC expects to see a lot more 5G mobile towers to start popping up around the country as companies like Verizon have already started performing pre-commercial 5G field tests in New Jersey, Texas and Massachusetts. Apple has also been granted permission by to begin testing experimental 5G technology.

Like the generational technology that has come before it, 5G has never gone under any extensive study that has found it to be safe for human exposure. Even after a huge $25 million-dollar study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) which found a link between cell phone radiation and cancer, the FCC is absolutely determined to continue the blanketing of the earth with potentially carcinogenic radiation. An important note to take from the NTP study is that the male rats exposed to the two types of RF radiation and were significantly more likely than unexposed rats to develop a type of brain cancer called a glioma, and also had a higher chance of developing a rare heart tumor, were exposed to radiation at levels similar to what’s deemed safe by the U.S. government.

In a world where everything (and I mean everything) is increasing becoming wirelessly connected to the internet, we can expect that 5G - which is a more powerful than its predecessor 4G LTE - exposure is going to be much more prevalent in our everyday lives.

Jerry Flynn, a retired Canadian military expert in electronic warfare, has been a very vocal voice in warning about the dangers of radiation emitted from wireless devices. He is warning that both the U.S. and Candian governments willingness to blindly allow the deployment of wireless tech like 4G and 5G could be attributing to the rise of a growing host of disease epidemics. Flynn is also making it clear that even EMF Scientists are skeptical about wireless radiation safety.

Governments’ total disregard for the health and safety of the public has resulted in: 1) a growing host of disease epidemics, such as autism, ADHD, cancers, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, and other diseases of the brain, central nervous system and immune system, which most people had not heard of before wireless technology appeared. [11] (These disease epidemics are now common in every jurisdiction on earth that has adopted wireless technology!); 2) homes / dwellings are now far more susceptible to break-ins, intrusions, and the threat of electrical fires – thanks to provincially-mandated ‘smart’ meters, which are unbelievably intrusive, invasive, hackable, fire-prone, and very expensive; and, 3) Canada’s National Security is now at greater risk than at any previous time in our history, thanks to Government’s irresponsible decision to incorporate ‘smart’ meters in Canada’s national power grid!
No national government today can be unaware of the ‘International EMF Scientists Appeal’! (Again, ‘EMF’ stands for electromagnetic field radiation, which is emitted by all wireless products / devices, but none more so than the insidious ‘smart’ meter, particularly when they are operational in what electric utilities call ‘meshed grid networks’!). To date, the Appeal has been signed by at least 225 of the world’s leading EMF scientists – from 41 countries! Addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to all UN-member countries and to the Director General of the WHO, it urges all leaders to: ‘Protect mankind and wildlife from EMFs and wireless technology’!

It is expected that 5G will be the technology of the land by the early 2020's. Its dense network will call for a huge amount of cell towers of all sizes to cover the geographic areas that adopt the technology (which will be everywhere). This will happen even if study after study comes out linking the radiation admitted from 5G devices and cancer.

Dr. Axe asks a great question:

Are we willing to expose millions of Americans to even higher levels of electromagnetic radiation through wireless technologies when we don’t even know what the true 5G health effects really are?
For decades, Americans were told things like cigarette smoke, DDT, Monsanto and other pesticides were safe, when we now know they’re linked to cancer and other health problems. So are we going to do it again — on a massive scale — with wireless without even properly studying human health impacts. (Or considering possibly safer ways of doing things?)

I suggest you take a few minutes of your time to tune into Truthstream Media's latest report regarding the roll out of 5G and how the FCC refuses to consider the biological dangers that could lie ahead.


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