Weaponizing the airwaves, 528 Hz - Military Acoustic Warfare (Video)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago

Welcome back to activist news ladies and gentlemen. Today I wanted to talk about water, sound and possibly one of the best kept secrets in the world. I also wanted to mention sonic energy and how its being weaponized. now, for me personally all of this really ties in with electromagnetic frequencies and the 5G grid, which is something ive discussed in the past and I'll be completely honest with you, a lot of this information i've been swamped with, in regards to sonic energy and this concept of being able to structure sound and energy vibrations in a way, that can be weaponized, has really sent me down quite a deep rabbit hole. Because it turns out that this type of technology is nothing new and it also seems as though much of this modernized sonic technology being used today is coming straight out of Israeli high technology manufactures and the global military industrial complex. So that's another reason why this information ive come passed has really caught my attention. A lot of this information is new to me so this is definitely something i'm going to be spending more time on in the future. I don't claim to be an expert in sound and sonic mechanics, but i felt it was important to try an introduce this to my listeners.

We have all been told that the world and everything in it is made up of energy and this is very much true. but when you try to understand what this energy is, it comes back to either a musical or mathematical matrix which is composed of certain frequencies which litterally keeps everything together. You see, the very earth itself has a certain vibration, one thats very strangley in sync with the beat of our heart. every living creature on this planet is in tune with a certain frequency, its the way we resonate our own energy. even a blade of grass vibrates to a certain frequency and that frequency is 528 hertz. In fact, the entire botanical world on earth is celebrating a 528 hertz frequency. Even the sun vibrates at a 528 hertz frequency. So you could very much say that this is the beat of the drum, that all life and even non life dances to. When you look into the original music scale, ancient chants and even musical rituals, you will find that almost all of them are done so, using a 528 hertz frequency. music and chants that are said to be so powerful, that they even have healing properties. However, there are also harmful frequencies. What is being called the evil frequency, is 741, which in fact is resonating in the a440 standard tuning of the western worlds music. So, we are actually listening to a frequency that vibrates to the tone that vibrates in dissonance to 5:28, which is called the love frequency that all the world lives by. Is this any coincidence? absolutely not. Where the western world acquired its standard tuning is in 1939, when the Rockefeller foundation instated, through the British standard institute, standard turnings to a 440 hertz frequency and that in itself was derived from military acoustic warfare research that determined the most dissonant and most stressful, socially demonic frequency possible. A quote, mass hysteria inducing frequency, end quote. While there are frequencies that are good for your body and natural, there are also frequencies that can make you sick, stressed and even potentially kill you.


Hey Dude, great article. Are you on Discord?? <3

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