Creepy and innovative AI can play songs from your mind

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Artificial Intelligence could be the most controversial subject that scientists and researcher approach nowadays. Is it because we don't understand it enough or it could really become dangerous for the human race when out of control?

An answer to this question will be pending for the years to come. Until then when can have a look at the AI developed by scientists from California for reading minds and songs that are played in the mind. All thanks to the the electrical activity of the brain which can be read by such "intelligence".

The father of this project is Bryan Pasley who in 2014 used an algorithm that is trained by brain activity, which transforms a person's thoughts into a digital speech. His team went further and improved it resulting in the AI that reads songs direct from your mind.


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“During auditory perception, when you listen to sounds such as speech or music, we know that certain parts of the auditory cortex decompose these sounds into acoustic frequencies — for example, low or high tones.”
Bryan Pasley for Digital Trends

For coming to such amazing results they studied a piano player who was suffering from epilepsy. Inserting electrodes in his brain the researchers could observe his brain activity during different tasks fulfilled by him.

During their researches the pianist played two songs at an electronic piano while being recorded by electrodes. After that he was asked to play the songs only in his mind. Comparing their recordings the scientists discovered the way groups of neurons reacted to sounds and not reacting when the song was played only in the players mind.

Studying the differences they could build the artificial intelligence to transform songs played in the mind into reality. Although they started with reading songs played in the mind of a piano player their purpose goes much further. Such discovery will be used successfully to help paralyzed persons expressing their thoughts into artificial speaking.


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