
Unfortunately, I think robots will take over people's jobs, wherever possible, they do exactly as they're told (programmed) and don't need any break....
Especially for big companies, in the long run, it will be cost effective...

Robots are very obedient and don't need holidays or unreasonable rests, asides from occasional maintenance. The smarter and more capable they become the sooner they will take our jobs. They are already replacing simple or dangerous jobs. It is probably a good thing they are replacing us for doing dangerous jobs, human lives shouldn't be put at risk when a machine can do the work. In regards to simple jobs, I do feel sorry to the worker who dances in the plaza with a sign or does a repetitive task in the factory and hope they can get training and a new job or find a way to keep up their job or at least their income. In the near future, I am worried about them replacing drivers. This will mean a lot of jobs lost. Dispite a few recent accidents, I believe ultimately robots will be a lot more efficient and safer at driving than humans.

Yes, indeed....the poor will get poorer, the rich will get richer....

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