10 signs that show your computer has been hacked !

in #technology7 years ago

 Cyber-attacks have recently become a very common problem. Due to this a lot of people are worried about protecting their data. To prevent your passwords or other data from being stolen, you have to pay attention to any changes on your PC. because these changes might indicate that your computer is hacked. 

No.1 : The Antivirus has been switched Off 

     Antivirus programs are pretty hard to disable even when you want to. They have special safety protocols that ask you two or three times to make sure if you really want to disable them. The first thing that hackers do is disable the antivirus so that you cannot detect any intrusion and then infect your computer with special types of malware and steal all your data. So as soon as you find that your antivirus is disabled, quickly turn it back on. Also update your antivirus regularly.

No.2 : New Icons Appear on your dashboard

    When you launch your browser and notice new icons on your dashboard. This might be because of some virus installed on you PC. Do not run any unknown application instead delete them if you can.

No.3 : The cursor moves on it's own

    If you notice that your cursor is moving without your control and is highlighting something on it's own, this means that your PC is hacked, and someone is probably messing with your data at this very moment. When you see this type of sign, disable your internet to protect your data.

No.4 : Your connected devices are not working Properly

    Cyber-Attacks not only can influence the computer but also all the devices that are connected to it, i.e Printers, routers, USB , mouse, keyboard and other such devices. If the connected devices does not work properly then it is a sign that your computer is hacked.

No. 5 :  You are redirected to different websites

    You should be alert if your browser keep redirecting to other websites. As this is a sign that your Personal computer is hacked. The redirected websites may contain some very harmful viruses. 

No. 6 : Your files are deleted by someone else

    If you notice that your files are being deleted by someone. This is a 100% sign that your computer is hacked and is infected with dangerous viruses. However your lost data can be recovered by some recovery tools.

No. 7 : New files are created by someone else

    If you notice some new files in your computer that you did not create, they could be some type of viruses. These viruses may be able to delete and steal your data, without you even knowing it.

No. 8 : Your data is automatically uploaded to the Internet

    If you notice that your data has been uploaded to the internet and you are not aware of it, This may cause you serious problem. Hackers can use your data to blackmail you and cause you a lot of problems. If you come across such a threat contact a specialist who can deal with this kind of issue.

No. 9 : Unusual Webcam Behaviour

    Check your webcam indicator, If it is on or blinking make sure no applications are launched that require a webcam, i.e Skype, Facetime or others. If you do not see a reason as to why the webcam is on, reboot your computer and check again. If it is still blinking or turned on, you have a problem. Disconnect from the internet immediately and call a specialist.

No.10 :  Your computer works very slowly

   If even the simplest operation take a very long time for your system to complete, and you notice a significant drop in you internet connection. It might be that someone hacked your computer. Try to reboot and check the performance again. If your computer is still running very slow than usual, then it might contain some malicious software. Try scanning your computer and maybe doing an upgrade.



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