World's laziness is controlled by technologies

in #technologies8 years ago (edited)

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There is no way you can meet a person that doesn’t have any device right now. Smartphones tied up to our lives really hard and sometimes it seems we just cannot let it go.

I do love technologies and use them daily but for the last couple of years I feel irritated when I look at people. All of their attention are in their phones or tablets. They are reading something important but most of the time it is a meaningless feed of random information.

Apparently I cannot judge them because I have a habit of reading or listening to a book on the road.

However the most pathetic part of being so close to technologies is that it makes people lazy. Have you noticed that?

Instead of remembering a list of products that we need to buy, we use our smartphone. Instead of walking 15 minutes to our job, we use a car or even a taxi. Instead of having extreme activities or even relaxing ones in the nature, we choose to play computer games, browse through Facebook or Steemit posts :)

Most of the time we do that unconsciously because it became our habit. We just get used to choose what is simpler for our lives and what is more convenient.

Time is also a very important aspect to touch here. We believe that by using technologies we can save a few hours throughout the day. What we don’t realize is that how we spend the rest of the time matters the most. Sure we can save some time writing an email instead of meeting a client in person but there are certain occasions that requires your presence. Don’t let your device hold you in your apartment, go out and have fun with friends, it is far better alternative.

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I’m not against all of that, we just have to be careful enough, so that we control technologies rather than we are controlled by them.

I recently was looking for innovations in IT space and stumbled upon this title that drove me nuts – Nissan creates self-driving chairs because standing in line was too hard.

I was like “Are you kidding me?”

I read the post, and it blew me away. Nissan really take this project seriously. You can watch the video just to see how ridiculous it is.

And then I became concerned about the future of society. If top companies will continue to create such kind of things, I strongly believe we are going to be become absolutely useless.

The main point of life, I believe, is to move forward, to develop yourself, to expand your horizons and achieve the impossible. But how it can be done by sitting at one place everywhere the entire day?

I guess this is feasible due to the evolution of Internet and computers. They allow us to have jobs that doesn’t even require our physical presence at the office. In fact, remote jobs are taking over regular jobs. This number grows every single year with rapid pace, and it’s not going down anyhow.

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In such way we can clearly see that the world laziness dominates primarily because of tech industry. This is not okay in my opinion. It is a serious problem that I have no idea how to solve.

Comment, upvote or resteem will be very much appreciated :)

Your friend, Dmitriy.


from the looks of that chair we'll all be like the humans in Wall-E in a few generations.

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

Yeah, even the video was mentioned in that post :)

Oh man, Nissan....didn't they see Wall-E?


I bet they do, that's why they decided to make it happen a reality just for fun :)

I need to look at this Wall-E picture more motivates me to get outside and walk.

Yeah, it is the ultimate motivation for anyone) I haven't met you in person but I believe you're looking fabulous :)

So true in this day and age

I Agree! but some may say it's also depends on how much you rely on technology..
but make our lives more easier and we people more lazier. :3

I see others have already beaten me to the Wall-E analogy, which is the first thing I thought of too. Alarmingly that scenario doesn't really seem that far fetched given the way the world is going.

I admit that I myself am an avid smartphone lover and often have my eyes glued to the screen whenever I have a free moment. But I try to take a balanced approach, getting outside and enjoying time with my family when I can. Moderation is the key; it's hard to get away from the trappings of modern technological life, but the real problems happen when people indulge themselves excessively. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing, and I think that can only be combated over time by raising our kids to have a healthy attitude toward technology.

Interesting approach. I love it. I guess I'm using very similar. I know that I don't want to be addicted so I try to balance my life and do different things outside of my home and my smartphone :)

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