Free WiFi from Cosmos?

in #technologies7 years ago

Ellon Musk is planning to create free WiFi high speed internet for the entire earth.

Its been three years, Elon Musk working on the project of SpaceX Starlink. Shortly after the launch of Tesla's car in the space, the company announced that on February 17, the first satellites would be released on Earth orbit. The Microsat 2a and 2b checked out successfully and they will be taken to the orbit via Falcon 9 rocket.

In 2017, Vice President of the company Patricia Cooper said that in the framework of the project, launch of prototypes was planned in 2018. The first satellites will be launched in 2019. According to the plan, by 2024 the project will be fully operational. SpaceX plans to launch 4 425 satellites on orbit.

Currently, around 1,500 satellites are flying around the Earth.

I love this guy

E. MUSK and Cryptos are the creations of GOD to change the World

Questions here:

  • what will happen to internet provider companies?
  • what will happen to mobile/cellural communication?
  • what will happen to Musk? :)

I'll believe it when I see it, I've seen so far numerous claims by other companies even that made huge promises like this that never came to fruition so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Yes, of course, talking about great ideas is great, but implementing them even greater. I believe this guy will change the world. How? I don't know.
Getting all this satellites to the orbit seems quite realistic for me. Distributing free internet across the world, kinda problematic. Similar to giving Windows or Ms Office for free.
Anyway, we shall see in several years.

I've love to see exceptionally great things, there's things I've seen promised over and over again, I've become the old man that screams at the cloud to get off my blockchain lawn. I recognized things like P2P networks and blockchain taking over social media as I've seen it already on Freenet Project, even contributed to it. Just these pie in the sky sort of things makes it a bit difficult to believe when we've heard them all before ;)

Let's hope though.

interesting post @bayuya friend wish you good luk

Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

StarlinkSpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation

very informative post.

Ellon Musk is like Superman. But that is easy for him he have scheldon coopers note ;) .

Great news. After the apperance ofcryptos and steemit I got the feeling that we living in a different era. One we were used to see only in sci fi movies. Thanks for sharing.

Lol....last line is awesome.....😁😁

Yes it is. :)

When the time will come, transferring funds from earth to mars will be possible using Musk's satellites and blockchain technology. :)

Reasonable assumption. Could be quite realizable.

I wonder, when will the real estate business kick off for mars lands. :)

Sooner or later that will happen. The question is, who will rule the Planet, which government?

No governments :). If Putin gets there, then Mars, the red planet, will be fucked up forever.

Lol ....that wud be great....even greatest if scientists their wud be on steemit to keep becoming rich...#PowerOfCrypto......

good news, @bayuya

foll me

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