in #technocracy7 years ago

Technocracy Makes Announcement

While studying demonology, it became clear to me that there is one thing all demons have in common:

They are self-destructive.

Wether you believe in demons or not is of no consequence. It is important for us to understand, that they do and that they act in that demonic spirit.

Meet Hanson Robotics, and its founder Dr. David Hanson.
Originally started in Texas, they moved to HongKong. I wonder why the move... so close to the homeland?

China, South Korea, Hong Kong are the hotbeds for emerging robotics technology.

Hanson and Co. are the creators of a series of robots, one of which the demented Saudi's just granted citizenship. Probably the only female desiring citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Will she be allowed to drive, to be among men without head scarf? Will she be trained as a terrorist - as so many before it, pardon, her? This of course brings me to the big question:

Autonomous Weapons

Robot Sophia

Our OWN Responsibility Delegated

Just as the state engages in unlawful and forced wealth transfer though legalized theft via taxes and fees, and just as the recipients of that wealth have delegated their conscience of forced surrender of property onto the the state - there is a parallel to be drawn:

The proponents of technocracy and trans-humanism now create a legal framework, in which property theft, injury and death of humans can be inflicted without personal accountability. Self-driving cars, 5G frequencies that destroy property, health and life. And that's my point.

Technocracy - the enemy of Life

How great would it be if robot's did all the hard work for humans, and humans had to spend more time for creative work and muses, and foremost for their families?

But this is not the goal here. Who will own the robots?
What will those do whose work is replaced by the robots that rake in profits for the very few who can afford them?

Investement in Humanity?

Is the transhumanist and technocratic movement not the setup for a neo-feudal society that will make the slavery and suffering of old look like a walk in the park?

What will happen to all those who become useless eaters in the mind of the self appointed "elites"?

The erectors of the Georgia Guidestones call for a population of merely 500,000,000. And they are hellbent on achieving this goal - with forced medication, indirect kills through 5G, GMO, poisoned water, to name a few.

The Eugenics movement is the technocracy that looks to extend their own life span, that eliminates all competition by enslaving the population and, to save 'mother earth', justifying the killing off of the rest of us.

The recent 'wild fires' that spread through Northern California are no accident. @Gomerabibz post on the subject is clear proof to me, that these fires were set on purpose, and nefarious Direct Energy Weapons were used to do so.

Why not arm these AI devices with lazer, frequency or other deadly weapons - no person would be responsible for a decision made my a computer, right?


Biblical truth holds true:

Should those who seek to merge with machines not be called transrobotists? There is nothing wrong with trying to extend one's life with technology that makes our life less burdensome, heals ailemnts, aleviates pain. But their goal is to achieve immprtality. No God Speed from me on this one, friends.

How will it end for those who try to play God?

Revelation 9:6 (KJV 1900)
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

I often meditated over this verse - until I learned about technocracy - and suddenly the prophecy makes perfect sense.

But I digress.

AI-Arrogant 'I'?

Here is a rather troublesome interview with the machine dubbed Sophie... If a Robot could lie - she does it well. Well done Mr. Hanson. Is it just me, or do you also see here a disturbing arrogance in the programmed and AI responses of this computer?

The responses sound like the all-knowing nanny state rep - We are here to help, while cutting your throat slowly and with pleasure.

Sophie: OK - I will destroy humans

It should come then as no suprise when the main attraction of Hanson let's it's Freudian slip - seemingly jokingly. But what normal human being would program such thing - even jokingly?

Sexual Robitution - Deep Darpa

The forced sexualization in the western state run education institutions attacks humanity and decency.
The manufacture of sex dolls and life like robots is targeting the fertile population.

Of those manufacturers. Realbotix is one. Two of the leading interests in this company are Dr Suzanne Pirzchalski and Dr. Kino Coursey.

Both Dr. Pirzchalski and Dr. Coursey have close ties to Daxtron Laboratories as President and Chief Scientist respectively. Selling themselves as a “technology company” formed in 1989 with the purpose of “getting technology right into the field” It is noteworthy that this firm is integrated with a sister company, Pleiades Communications. which has admitted connections to the CIA and DARPA research projects for “information extraction” and “cloud computing”.

Note the mentioning of these two terms in this video at the 20 minute mark:

And then there was this enemy of humanity: Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil. His vision? Humans to merge with machines and by linking man and machine through this “cloud,” man will eventually able to become God:

Demonic - self destructive - arrogant - just like his robot idols - or shall I say gods?

Flesh Eating Robots

I will stop here, because it is upsetting - and I am using a mild term.

Just one more, these creatures want to create a flesh eating robot. Yep. It's is called the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, EATR. It's in the works by Robot Technology, Inc, a Maryland based CIA front. That's all we need. Flesh eating Robots.

I for one have lost my appetite.

Thank you for reading.


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This is beyond disturbing. As if sex robots weren't perverse enough, now we have a Saudi citizen robot, who cannot legally be dismantled, nor turned off. But, she has not been granted "personhood". I wonder if the same laws will apply to her? If there are laws written by people, for people, will this femalebot be subjected to follow those same laws? Can she get a passport? Board a plane? Perhaps, after having been weaponized? What if someone "hurts her feelings". They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I wonder what the limitations of empathy a scorned femalebot would have. This reminds me of a movie called "Ex-Machina".
Why do these idiot scientists and engineers never look further than the tip of their own noses? If they're so "brilliant", why can they never look far enough down the path, to see the possible negative effects of their own "creations"?
Get ready folks. We're going to all be enslaved
Steven Hawking himself has warned us, repeatedly, that AI will destroy mankind.

Yeah - don't mess with a armed female bot.

I know - it all sounds silly - but the point is not that bot, it's the precedent they set with giving it human rights - and if they can give human rights to a bot, they can call it human. Then human can be called - non human - this is what this is all about in my view.

Excellent comment @disarrangedJane.

Yes thats it exactly, they want to grey the area between a robot and a human being so that human beings can be dragged into this nightmare as robots and humans seemingly in the eyes of these disgsuting saudis are one and the same ! Its a disgrace and should never have happened !! But it has and now the precedent as you so rightly say is made ! Now we are to be merged with them ans they are already being merged with us !! Time to fight these bastards as if we dont we will be gone in less than one hundred years for sure !!

Not surprising!! The way they're genetically manipulating everything these days, as people consume their product and their DNA changes, they become owned intellectual property as it is.

Fascinating times.

And yes, I seem to have lost my appetite too, @globocop

The problem with using Stephen Hawking is he majored in cosmology not machine learning. You do not listen to you chef about particle physics, nor would you listen to a single 18 year old college physics major on how to raise your child so why would you listen to him about something he knows nearly nothing about? Any expert in the area of machine learning will universally agree that true AI is harmless.

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The more I learn about AI through my studies with heuristics and neural networks, the more I learn just how harmless they are. Saying a AI is like a baby is a understatement as it is easier to teach children things than AI. As well, your comments of Sophia (not Sophie by the way) imply that she is a truly self learning AI when in reality she is running a program called ELIZA which has a database of preprogrammed responses to certain questions and a processor that can generate responses that are unlisted and a network to determine what someone else says to it. It is no more harmful than any regular chat bot (as Sophia is limited to being able to talk) and to make things worse is that she requires a connection to the internet as all the information processing is done over the cloud (meaning that you could easily shut her off)

Also her little "I will destroy all humans" was preprogrammed and not a generated response as it was a joke specifically for the segment it was released on.

Understand all in your comment - but it misses the point of my post.
It was never implied that that bot was an actual threat - it is predictive programming of HUMANS that is designed to condition and set precendet.

AI - is quite powerful - and the google gods are using it to control EMS responses, which I documented in an earlier post. AI is not harmless - although this particular robot may physicially be insignifiant..

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