Foldable phones: worst invention ever!

in #tech2 years ago

I'm here to talk about the latest craze in the tech world: foldable smartphones. But hold on to your hats, folks, because I've got a hot take for you: they're the worst invention since the pet rock!

Now, before you start throwing tomatoes at me, hear me out. I know, I know, some of you out there are thinking, "But foldable phones are the coolest thing since sliced bread!" And to that, I say, "Are you kidding me?"

I mean, seriously, who thought this was a good idea? Let's take a device that's already fragile and prone to cracking (looking at you, iPhone) and make it foldable! What could possibly go wrong, right?

I can just imagine the marketing team sitting around a conference table, high-fiving each other and saying, "This is it, guys! This is what the people have been waiting for! A phone that folds! We're gonna be millionaires!" And then some poor engineer in the back of the room, who knows a thing or two about physics, whispers, "Uh, guys? Have you considered the fact that folding something repeatedly might cause it to break?"

But hey, what does that guy know? He's just the one responsible for making the darn thing work.

And don't even get me started on the price. These foldable phones cost more than a kidney on the black market! I don't know about you, but I don't have thousands of dollars lying around to spend on a phone that might break if I look at it wrong.

And let's be real here, folks. What's the actual benefit of a foldable phone? Is it going to make your life easier? Is it going to help you get more work done? Is it going to make you more attractive to the opposite sex? (Okay, maybe that last one is a stretch.) But seriously, what's the point?

At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that foldable phones are just a fad. A gimmick. A way for companies to squeeze more money out of us poor schmucks who can't resist the latest shiny thing.

So save your money, folks, and stick with a good old-fashioned non-foldable phone. Because let's face it, who needs a phone that bends anyway? Unless you're secretly a contortionist, in which case, I take back everything I said.

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