Are All These New Wireless Technologies Actually Hurting Us?

in #tech6 years ago (edited)

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Are All These New Wireless Technologies Actually Hurting Us?

What is radiation and why are we afraid of being exposed to it?

Radiation is the way that energy and heat move through air, objects, etc. Radiation is everywhere, and that's something we should understand. We have a huge nuclear reactor shining on us every single day. That is, the Sun. The Sun is one of the many natural ways we get background radiation.

A nuclear power plant produces a ton of radiation, but we may not be exposed to it as we thing because of how they are contained. Reactors have had meltdowns in the past, referencing Chernobyl, or damaged such as Fukishima in 2011 which cause massive catastrophic damage to the planet and surrounding environment.

So, is it dangerous?

It's no doubt that radiation not only alters, but damages the cells in our bodies. Low levels of radiation don't do that as extremely as even medium levels. Headaches, nausea, vomiting, fever, sickness are all symptoms of medium levels of radiation. Higher levels can kill you. The damage to your internal organ is usually fatal.

Long time exposure to radiation can cause cancer. This does bring up a potentially difficult topic for many to discuss as nearly everyone knows someone that has cancer, or has it themselves.

New wave of all wireless.

Many of you have seen cell phone companies leading their products toward entirely wireless. Wireless charging, wireless earpods, wireless phones, etc.

They aren't all the same, and the technology, frequencies, etc that are used are scattered. This is often where the danger is.

Your phone, and all wireless devices you use mobile-ly have EMFs. AKA wireless radiation.

"EMFs (electromagnetic fields) can increase conditions such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease."

So why is there such inconclusive evidence toward this wireless radiation hurting us? I would have to side with lobbying and phone companies know it hurts us, but now try to find solutions and other distractions. There's too much money to be made after all.

Apple started selling beats, earphones, earpods with their devices. The reason I think is because the further the phone is from you, the less radiation your body is receiving. Always having your phone on you will be giving you a constant flow or radiation into your body that isn't natural and is arguable one cause of cancer.

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I've had a mobile phone since I was about 13. I am 27 now, that's 14 years of constant EMF radiation directly to my body.

Other devices such as the apple watch are even more worrysome because it's closer to your cells (direct contact).


The Birth of Wireless Headphones and Earbuds

This is where it get's scarier for me. Apple doesn't suggest you use your phone up to your ear. Which is ironic because it's a phone, but it emits radiation that shouldn't be near your brain. They know it can cause major issues with your body.

They released the Apple Airpods, that emanate only .466 on the SAR limit of radiation. The current limit is 1g SAR. Just because something is convenient such as wireless tech, doesn't mean it comes with some fatal consequences. Wireless earbuds pushing radiation into your head, phone putting radiation into your body, and smart watch, laptop, etc. You get the point.

WIFI and Bluetooth

There's a lot known and unknown about Consume Products and the radiation they produce. The tricky part about WIFI, Bluetooth, etc when used in home is that they reflect and essentially you are in one large microwave. The radiation bounces off walls and may come in contact with your skin more than one time. Makes perfect sense if you're able to get strong WIFI signal anywhere.

Note, you don't hold WIFI routers or modems up to your head like you would a phone and the exposure would be more minimal. But wherever you go, you will be taking in WIFI signals to your body and you will never know. That's because everywhere has WIFI and those signals don't just stay inside the businesses, apartments, etc. Try parking in a Starbucks parking lot and connecting to the WIFI, or walking through the heart of London and connecting to WIFI while walking. It is everywhere.

Bluetooth does also put out radiation but it's often the weakest of them all because of it's proximity and just overall weaker signal.


Cell Phone Signal Bars

This is an important thing to consider. But those cell phone bars that we once used to track constantly are important to our health. When you see your cell phone is at 1 bar, if you don't desperately need it on signal, turn it on airplane mode or better yet off. Cell phones increase their signal strength to try and connect to a tower when on lower bars. Therefore, your radiation will be higher. findings has carried out several studies about the relationship between our devices and our body in terms of radiation. They have claimed that cell phone use and the risk of malignant cancerous brain tumors exist. They continue with other risks "such as gliomas, as well as benign (noncancerous) tumors, such as acoustic neuroma (tumors in the cells of the nerve responsible for hearing that are also known as vestibular schwannomas), meningiomas (usually benign tumors in the membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord), and parotid gland tumors (tumors in the salivary glands)"


That being said, they compared people who don't use phones and studied cancer data from before phones came out to now not finding conclusive information.

Learn more about radio frequency here.

How can I avoid it?

Some great ideas from

"Use The Speaker — talking on the speaker of your phone while sitting the device on a table is better than holding the tech to your head and in your hand.

Keep Distance — while sleep, keep all wireless devices about 10 feet away from your body. By the way, this tip will also help get you out of bed and retire that snooze button.

Enjoy Family and Friends — during the creative part of your day, or interacting with family and friends, turn on the “Do Not Disturb” feature. This way, your phone will only ring from those whose contact card you have authorized to do so while DNB is activated

Use Apps — try making audio/video calls over WiFi, which emits less radiation than a mobile phone.

Be Mindful — do not place your phone in your sports bra strap. Lymphoid organs are most susceptible to radiation, and the ancillary lymph nodes are located in the chest area and near the breast tissue. The Thymus organ located at the upper chest is another highly vulnerable area for radiation contraction.

Shield Yourself — buy an EMF Protection cell phone case.

Get Grounded — place your bare feet on the ground, allowing your body to soak up the earth’s negatively-charged electrons, which can help reduce organ inflamation — thus creating a balance in bodily electrical circuitry.

Get Outside — taking breaks to get about nature and away from wireless radiation will not only give your body a break, but your mind also."


For more reading, please check out this article

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I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

Posted using condenser site.

While I am not sure there is any conclusive evidence, you can be assured if there are some negative effects found tech companies will spend billions ensuring the narrative is different.

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