in #tech7 years ago (edited)



Another way of saying "The power-gap between individuals and governments is closing"

There is no doubt that governments are becoming increasingly more powerful. However, individuals are getting more powerful too. The computer that I'm writing on right now is more powerful than the entire global computing power that existed when I was born. Technology is 'empowering' both government AND the individual..BUT...the individual is getting more powerful FASTER than governments are.

Consider Enigma...then consider the hacker kid in his momma's basement today (research is an exercise for the reader)

  • For pretty much the entire human existence we have been hoarding our knowledge. Trade guilds jealously preserved their knowledge, while masters took their best tricks to the grave. Only recently did the Open Source ethos develop, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and designs. Now we can download and use free equivalents to expensive professional software.

It's great that the barriers to knowledge have been reduced. I only worry about misplaced and concentrated power in people, entities, and governments.

information wants to be free.?
where have I heard that?

upvote and resteem

Just put the drawing in the computer and the machine either "prints" it or cuts it out for you. Almost like having a replicator. my book "Q"...I explore the many possibilities of exactly that.
By the way...I chose "Q" as the title based upon the word quintessential a derivative of the word quintessence, beloved of the ancient greeks..

Now why would they think so?

Q is also used as "the source".

For pretty much the entire human existence we have been hoarding our knowledge. Trade guilds jealously preserved their knowledge, while masters took their best tricks to the grave. Only recently did the Open Source ethos develop, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and designs. Now we can download and use free equivalents to expensive professional software.

That's a fascinating thought. It will be very interesting to see where we end up after even one full generation of this.

We live in interesting times.
In my life time computers have gone from being the size of buildings and taking as much power to run as a small an IPhone....(a pocket supercomputer sometimes used for purposes of communication). Ray Kurzweil had something to say about that...twelve years ago.

Yeah I remember my Father purchasing software on flopy and I purchasing it on a DISC which for the past several years is no longer necessary with the faster download speeds we have ATM. Makes you wonder who or what was holding/dragging our feet this whole time?

Was it for money like Edison and Tesla or was it from a higher intelligence allowing for a certain timeline?

Lets Keep STEEM N ON...

higher intelligence?

It’s not how much power you have it’s how you use it. While we think we as individuals are getting more powerful is it just an illusion we are trading free will for falseness?

The government controls your tax rate, what is put into your water, your food, how clean your “air” is allowed to be. They can imprison you and find something in the rules, or manufacture the evidence to hold you there.

With how much free information is out their how much does the population even use it? It’s easy here on Steemit where people read and write often daily to be a rare example of what increasing power can do for the individual.

We have become more connected and our eyes open more to what is happing. This has also had the effect of making us numb to the situation. I often feel we are just frogs boiling in water with heat slowly turning up.

Governments are literally track your every movement in big cities. Slowly rolling their reaches out further and further. With the Edward snowden leaks people just blink their eyes for the most part freak out like a while, then, as most have done continued on with life.

People themselves are becoming less tolerable of other humans. They want to be left alone and stick with their Facebooks, twitters and YouTube. Technology might be bringing us together in one fashion but its driving us apart in another. One day the average person will find themselves consumed in living in augmented or virtual reality. No long needing or thinking of wanting to have human contact because they can just put on their VR headset.

We will be surrounded by our things and we as a species love our shiny things. Less tolerable to dealing with rejection, stress, and more hateful then ever of the simple annoyance. Leading us to search out more things, drugs, and systems of control to make us feel better about ourselves. All of which the governments will regulate. Does that make us more powerful or less powerful then the government then in the past?

I can have ice cream for breakfast if I want to.

How many people in history could say that?

Billions and growing. In fact many do. Now is that smart to have for breakfast is another question.

I'm fat enough as it is so I don't eat ice cream anymore hehe.

there you go...the key word is "growing" just acknowledged my point.

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