Why i switched to Linux?

in #tech3 years ago

i don't know, if anyone is interested in my story, but hey, i will posting it :D

In my opinion Windows is sht , because besides that it's a great impact on privacy, but what really goes on my nerves are the updates... It's good, that there came updates to add new features, fix some bugs, etc. BUT WHY THE F** it must be so aggressive with updates? What i mean is: imagine you want to play a game, but must first download it. It's about let's say 30GB. So before you go to work you start the download, so it's downloaded and you can instantly play it, when you get home. So you start to work, are happy to play when you are home, came home and what do you see? The log in screen of windows. Means it has downloaded and installed updates instead of downloading your game -.-" So you can wait another day to play it...

What else happened with the updates

When i wanted to try Linux i had to restart my PC to boot from the USB. I had to choose between restart or update and restart. What does Windows do? It restarts with updates. WHY DO YOU EVEN GET ME A SELECTION IF YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT!?

I really wanted to try Linux, but install it along with Windows (dual boot). Somehow it doesn't worked. I have tried and tried and tried until Windows didn't work any more because of a deleted partition. So i decided to use Linux, so i don't have that annoying updates.

Another example why i hate Windows

It didn't happen directly to me, but to a work-companion: She went over to the other guy to help him and in that time Windows did an update. She saved nothing, there came no notification about an update, it just downloaded and installed it, then made a reboot and everything was lost... WHY WINDOWS, WHY!?

So what did i install after Windows?

I wanted to try Zorin OS. It's called to be a good alternative for newbies, because it looks familiar to a Windows- AND Mac-user. At least the pro version, which you have to pay for. But the Core and Lite version are free to use. So i downloaded the Core version. And it's really nice. It works smooth and you can play many games from Steam. So it isn't much a difference, but i got more privacy and the annoying updates are gone :D

I can only recommend to switch from Windows to Linux. If you are a newbie, then Zorin OS is a good choice for you. If you are familiar with Linux, you can also use another distro ;)

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