Dead Parents Owe Their Young Children An Apology

in #teardrops6 years ago

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Before heading to school today, I had to make use of the ATM. Fortunately for me, the queue wasn't long like I had expected. After withdrawing, I was approached by a young, hunger stricken looking boy. His sad face said it all even before he uttered a word.

He narrated how he lost his parents and had to stay with his relative, a lady who doesn't really care about his existence. He sounded like one that has been through pains way beyond his age. Inasmuch as I wanted to listen to his story, I was already late for school. I gave him the little money I had, but I knew it wasn't enough.

In class, while explaining digestion and absorption of food. I noticed that one of my students in senior class one, Miracle, was trying to conceal the fact that he was crying. Since he is not know for making trouble, my mind was made up to punish whosoever was behind his tears

I was deeply shocked when my "Miracle what's wrong" question met with "his father died yesterday" response from the entire class. Just that response was enough to send Miracle over the edge. He wasn't able to conceal the sadness anymore.

Consoling Miracle was difficult. He kept repeating "Sir, who will pay my school fees?". I understood perfectly. His mother was just a stay-at-home mum with no source of income. Though young, however, brilliant Miracle knows his father's death could be the end of a good education, good food, and so many good things he had enjoyed before now.

I feel death is most painful when it involves parents with kids that are incapable of surviving on their own. People call it premature death, but I see it as the worst way nature could possibly offend humanity. Just like Miracle and the boy at the ATM stand, most of these children deserve an apology from their dead parents.

They should apologize for not performing their responsibilities. They should apologize for the pains and challenges their death has caused these children. They should apologize for leaving them behind in the an unsafe world.

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