My Father, You Left A Big Scar in My Heart..😭😭 @teardrops

in #teardrops6 years ago (edited)

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My Father.
My Greatest Man.
My Source of Strength.
I terribly miss you.

Today, February 15, marks the 8th year since my father passed away. Eventhough it has been already years since he left us, it still feels just like yesterday. I can still remember his face, his voice his hugs. He was the best father I have ever had, my greatest man ever.


This is my father. He died last February 15, 2010 due to complications causing his kidneys to fail. Before he died, half of his body was already paralyzed because of stroke due to hypertension. It was really hard for us emotionally, mentally, physically and of course financially.

He had a stroke because of too much thinking and worrying for his older brother who also had a stroke just a week before him.


The man on my other side is my uncle. He was a professor at a university where I graduated. He had a stroke before my father had. My father who was very much concerned about my uncle's condition, kept on thinking about him because my aunt was not here and even his other children to take care of him. He only had one son beside him so my father was really worried. That caused my father to experience stroke himself.

My uncle had his early retirement because of his condition. He was also paralyzed until today. And I am happy for him because he was able to continue his life with his family now.

However, I felt so devastated because my father on the other hand, passed away. It happened after 6 months since he had his stroke. Because of too much medication, his kidneys failed. He was even the first paralyzed man to be operated with kidney stones on our provincial hospital. We thought he would somehow make it and it would make his life longer. But, his body gave up. Just two weeks after his operation, he died.

I was really hurt.

It felt like hell. I was not used to not seeing his smiling face whenever I arrive home from school even from work. He was the one who would always prepare everything for me from food, uniform to all my things. Yes, I was really that very dependent on him. That is why I find it really hard to get over my misery of losing him.

I thought losing him would be it. I thought that was all there was. But I was wrong. After just six months since he passed away, his other brother also had a stroke. Yes, the three of them had stroke. Can you believe that?? I was really questioning why?? Why them??? Are they the only people on Earth??

Only my loving father died. I was happy for his brothers for surviving. But the pain of losing my own father was really unbearable.

My @teardrops can't stop falling...

Up until now, I still miss him. I still can't stop my @tears from falling whenever I think of him. I have many dreams for my father. I still have many things that I want to do for my father. But I can't do that anymore because he is already gone.

But, eventhough my father is gone now, I know that he is still with me. I know that he is just watching me. I know that he is happy for me for what I am now and what I have become.

I just him so much.

I can't do anything more but to pray for him and ask for his guidance.

I terribly miss him every day.

Losing him has left me the biggest scar in my heart.

P.s. Please always show your love to your love ones. Appreciate them, respect and love them in any way you possibly can because you would never know when, where and how they will leave you.


Thank you for reading. I hope you can get something from what I have shared.




Follow me @yanzel4lyf.
Thank you.


Your life story so pathetic dear. Actually every father is great for her son. I can not find any language at this time, kind of compassion. You can pray for your father and uncle.

Thank you for your thoughts. I am always praying for my father everyday.

I'm sorry for you loss @yanzel4lyf. I do believe your father are now in heaven. No more pain and suffering. Praying for your uncle fast recovery.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your thoughts..

it is hard when you loose a parent I lost my dad at 17yrs old in an automobile accident

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