in #teardrops7 years ago


Everything happens for a reason

I agree with this quote that everything happens for a reason. In every tragedy in our life it makes us stronger if we can surpass it and learn to move on. Viewing it in a positive way will help us divert from negativity thinking. This tragedy of mine ( I consider this as a tragedy because right now I am so drown from a debts eventhough I'm still a fresh graduate with no stable income yet) is one of the memorable experiece and yet I will view it as a positive way so that I can move on and do my best to face this challenge in life.

In this junction, let me tell you my story or experiences before,during and after my surgical operation (apendectomy) so bear with me and continue reading so that maybe perhaps you can learn something from my experiences.



It was clear and happy day for me last March 9,2018 and on that day is our BSME MOCK BOARD EXAMINATION in which it was held at NSA Room CBT 254. All of us (my classmates) gather there around 1pm of the afternoon. All of us take the examination. Stating the fact on that time moment i don't ate my lunch yet because I forgot to ear because then again we have the mock board exam.

Around 3:30pm I feel some pain on my stomach and it is intolerable, I insisted that it is all about I don't ate my lunch thats why I have a stomach ache. Time pass by around 4pm I felt like was stab by an unknown criminal from my lower right stomach internally. I make some sounds of pain after experiencing this frightening pain. If I would rate the pain it was about 9/10 pain. It is quite alarming thats why I randomly shade the answers of my Mock Board Examination afterwards I pass it to my instructor.

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Around 5pm, I went to the School Medical Center and have some check-up on my situation. Suddenly the nurses give me some evaluation on what happen to me. To make the story short I am positive to appendicitis at first I am so scared of what the findings id but then again I want to be healed right away thats why the management contact my direct guardians and I also contacted my girlfriend @jaii to go in UCLM so that I will not be scared and I want her to care for me if I will be confine to hospital.

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Around 8:30pm, we went to Eversly Child Sanitarium and have some operation for my problem. Dr. Pason is the one catered us and referred to be operated right away so that my appendix will not burst and the problem will be worsen. It is good that we report the problem early because if not it would be a disaster. I am advised to go to Perpetual Soccour Hospital because the operating room in Eversly Child Sanitarium is not vacant for my operation.

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Around 11pm, we arrived at the said hospital. I was directly sent to Emergency Room, right there successive vitals was implemented to me. I was doubled check if I am alright and if I am really in the state of appendicitis. It was positive again and right there I am waiting for Dr. Pason to arrive in the said Hospital so that we can start the operation.


March 10, 2018 - 1am , I am now transferred to the operating room. It is quite scary but also satisfying because right there I believed I would be healed. But before that we pray in front of the Image of Mother of Perpetual Health, we pray for my safety operation and a success one. Afterwards, I was trasfer to the operating bed and oxygens,automatic BP, a machine that monitors my breathing are attach to my body. The doctors were ready anytime but the head doctor is not arrived yet so they tune some music in order to kill the boredom. As the head doctor arrive they began injecting my spinal cord with anaesthesia. I feel the numbness from my body down to my feet. It feels like there were electrons flowing inside my body and I dont feel anything whenever they put some pressure on my body. One doctor put something on my in order to sleep. Luckily I am so happy that I woke up. I am so thankful that it is over. I try to move my feet but I cannot control it.

After that I was again transferred to the recovery room. The recovery room is an ordinary room but I feel the coldness on that room. My whole body shake because of the coldness. I ask the person beside me why is it so cold? He answered that it is because of my anaesthesia. It is not so cold on that room but the only one that triggers the coldness is in my anaesthesia. I think after an hour of shaking right there I am now transfer to my room.


It was around 4am at the dawn I was out from the operating room and I was transfer to my room so that we have a place to rest. As I see my parents or the people who look after me I give a thumbs up to them claiming that it is a successful operation. They were happy at the same time concern about my condition. To make the story short, I am now in the room I thought we were the only one on that room but it is an opposite one we have a companion in which his right leg was fractured and for about two weeks.

The time we want to discharge at the hospital we decided to compute the total bill of our stay. and yes we were shock of the bill it is very big! Here is my Hospital Bill.

Overall payment that we give is PHP 84,000.00 ($ 1680 ). It feels like my whole world collapse and I have nothing right now. It goes back to zero plus I am now drown in debt. This is the most devastating part of my life. The money that was planned to repair our house is now paid for my life but thanks to I am now okay and I am alive. Steemit is a life saver. Right now I am powering down my Steem. This is because I have something to pay on. 121SBD is my debt right now. I hope somebody will help me to pay it.


When we got home from the hospital, I was amazed by the letter sent by the Office of Registrar and what I saw on the letter is that I am an official CUMLAUDE this coming Graduation Day and in that instance I was so moved. I really do my best and it pays off. Thanks to my parents for helping me to achieve this dream of mine. I hope someday I can buy all the things I wish for and I can invent something theat human race can benifit it all. I will make a name for myself and carve a statue so that the upcoming generations of me will know how great I am and they will be inspired also. Thank you God for this wonderful gift.

Best Regards,



and yes we were shock of the bill it is very big!

we grow by the challenge we face , all will be well in the end , keep hope alive

thanks bro 😄😄

The appendix surgery is one that can be quite expensive and at the same time risky. I salute your courage and wish you a very fast recovery

thnak you. I am hoping to heal soon

@jaderpogi congrats .cum.laude!surgery like this makes us appreciate life more

I hope i inspired u

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