How to Build a Real Team Environment at Work

in #teamwork7 years ago


Teams rarely form by themselves. They need a little help coming together, and some encouragement to keep growing stronger. Building a great team is a process that begins from the ground up. You need to fill your workplace with people who belong in a team environment, and provide them with the tools they need in order to move mountains in your office. Excellent teams are always the result of thinking ahead.

Appoint The Right Leader

Without the right leader, a team will fall apart. You might want to consider hiring a few project managers, or empowering employees with an excellent track record for efficiency and productivity. A bumbling leader will bring everything into disarray. A competent leader who respects every member of the team and is willing to do as much as they delegate will transform a team into a veritable powerhouse.

Start By Hiring Rock Stars

You need team players who embody the vision of your future. Candidates who are an excellent cultural fit are typically glad to work as a part of that team. Everyone understands and is inspired by something similar, which makes them more likely to work together to achieve a shared vision. Don’t copy and paste your standard job description on Gumtree – make sure you’re thoroughly outlining the culture of your company, and emphasize how much that culture means to you.

Design Your Office for Collaboration

Who can work as part of a team when everyone is stuck in their own little cubicle? You may need to redesign your office space to create more open areas. Collaboration requires a lot of space. Open tables and workspaces that can accommodate several people at once will make it easier for groups of people to see a project through from beginning to end.

Encourage Everyone to Talk

One of the most important parts of productive teamwork is feeling like you’re just as valuable as everyone else on that team. That requires a lot of communication. Everyone is an equal player, and they need to know that when they sit down at a meeting. Give everyone a chance to speak. Whether they’re talking about something that’s been bothering them in the workplace or a great, innovative idea they have in the works, this kind of open communication is essential in a team environment.

Have Fun with Bonding Exercises

Team building exercises aren’t a cheesy novelty – they really work. Even if everyone thinks they’re silly, they’re bonding over that mutual opinion. It’s hard to put your trust and confidence into a team member you hardly know. Encourage employees to go bowling together. Have company outings. You want everyone to be comfortable with each other, or you’ll never develop the solidarity you need in a winning team.

Everyone Should Celebrate

Think about other kinds of teams, like sports teams. When they win a big game, they like to party together. When your teams accomplish something big, they deserve to celebrate that success together. A small celebration will make that team victory feel a little more legitimate. They’ll all have the shared experience of seeing their hard work pay off. This makes a team stronger and inspires a collaborative confidence. Every team that wins deserves to feel as though they’ve won.

Another important thing to remember is that not all teams will work right. When this happens, you’ll have to spot the team member or members who aren’t getting along, and move those people to a different team. You may have to shuffle things around a little bit before all of the pieces fit together. Some team members just may be the pieces to a different puzzle.

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