Teddy updates, life and getting ready for Fancon Cape Town

Hey folks.
It's been a while.

The past couple of weeks have been a mix of crazy busy and very ill. I've been back to the Chronic Fatigue Specialist and we're still trucking on with the treatment.

Teddy went back to the vet for another acupuncture session and Flash came along as they needed to get their shots done again. Flash did not enjoy the journey very much and didn't think the shots were a good idea either.

Good news on Teddy though: the vet mentioned that there is a procedure called Gold Bead Therapy where tiny beads are placed on the acupuncture points under his skin which would mean he would not have to go for acupuncture every month anymore.

"Gold beads are implanted into specific acupuncture points, which vary depending on the medical condition and the individual energetics of the animal by a qualified veterinarian and acupuncturist. This is a safe, drug-free, and effective way to help patients by providing a permanent form of acupuncture. " https://www.friendsofthedog.co.za/what-is-gold-bead-therapy-and-how-does-it-work.html

This would also help manage his pain. We're just waiting to hear back from the vet on the cost of the procedure but we're keen to do it.
I've made Teddy his own Instagram account now. You can find him at https://www.instagram.com/storyofteddy/


Coming up at the end of April is Cape Towns biggest comic convention. We're busy getting merch ready for our stand and Lynton @moderndragon is getting his dragon skulls 3D printed and made into resin kits. We'll have them available for pre-order as soon as we have the kits done up. The prototypes are looking amazing !



Other news:
I've been posting over on Sola- https://sola.ai/simplylizelle
There is also a channel dedicated to photos of Teddy and Flash.

Hope you have a good day

I leave you with this :


I hope the bead option works for Teddy. Sounds like a good solution!

Thanks. We hope so too. It would mean not having to take medication anymore as well as not having to go to the vet every month.

Teddy becoming the Golden Child.

Literally! Lol

Female felines are \superfecund

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