history teaches

in #teamsouthafrica6 years ago

I have been much troubled by current events and the continued decline of South Africa in particular.

So much was promised, so little delivered. The dream has soured. I think this is similar to most countries in the world today. Smooth tongues, glib words, sincere looks and a determined mien. Yes, we have seen them all before, these "servants of a nation". To redress the wrongs of the past.

Yet personal enrichment for the prominent politicians, enrichment of the politician's family and friends while a nation decays into further debt and despair. Official statisticians of the state continue to misrepresent data. For example in this country, the statistics of crime are not independently assembled, it is now "controlled" by the state and released to the public in a sanitized form.

images (1).jpg
(a rogues gallery?)

Opponents of the State are usually racist if critical. The official mindset response is easy to understand: "If you don't like things the way they are now, it means you must have liked them under the old Apartheid Regime, obviously you were a receiver of unfair advantages".

By-gone leaders were simply racist when viewed through the lens of today. Those leaders such as Smuts, Hertzog and Botha were wicked as they viewed Black people as less than human.

I would like to question this simplistic notion.

When the various tribes and groups of people clashed over land in centuries past, it was often under a state of war. The Whites tended to have a technological advantage over their Black counterpart in terms of weaponry. Many died on both sides. A history of enmity developed between the races of Afrikaner and various Black tribes. Little mercy was shown towards women and children of the Voortrekkers, yet little mercy was shown the other way probably. The historical version that I was exposed to when growing up was a story painted by the White Nationalists. The victor usually writes history, not the vanquished. The history that my children are learning is completely different to what I learnt. Who is right? Depends on which lens you use.


Then gold and diamonds were discovered and an Imperialist Britain conquered South Africa. Both Black and White opposition was eliminated. The cruelty of British Forces against the Afrikaner is well documented. The story of the Black tribes was a mere footnote at that time. Britain had a great deal of disdain toward the Afrikaner and tried to overpower their culture and language by making English the only official language that could be taught at school. The stubbornness of the Afrikaner ensured the survival of both.


The struggle between the White races dominated the early 1900's to the disadvantage of the Black tribes. The white politicians felt that separate development was the key.

If I cast my eyes over the Atlantic and look towards America, I see some elements that are similar. I am not talking about the plight of the Negro (and their plight was also heart-rending), but that of the Red Indian. Centuries of broken treaties, separate tribal lands and non-integration into American society. Why has their story never roused the global imagination of the various moral crusaders? Millions of Red Indians have died through disease and official maladministration. Is it because they were a minority and did not count? The Nationalists of the previous government tried to deflect attention away from their own discriminatory policies towards other countries like America with little effect.


I look at communist countries and see their cruel policies and the suppression of millions with the cost of the lives of many more. Mere internal affairs?

I suppose if the opposing nations or tribes are mortal enemies who try and kill you, then the racial memory of the dominant people in a land are not going to treat their foes in a kindly manner. To me this is the key to understanding South Africa.

Despite all the rhetoric of love and the "Rainbow Nation", there is still enmity between White and Black. Many people on both sides get along just fine. Yet the State does not have this progressive view. Just like the Old Nationalists would give favours to their voters, so too, do the ANC.

I am not crying about the current state of affairs, it is a realistic development. Look after your own first.

The exact same thing happens all over the world, those in power look after their own supporters first. Your former foes must be last in the line. Yet those who do not understand history complain about the new inequality of South Africa, why can't we all get an equal chance? Those were the promises that Nelson Mandela made? How foolish and naive.

So many Whites are leaving the country, this is a natural and expected response. Have they seen the writing on the wall first? I think so. The White Rhodesians fled Zimbabwe, the smarter ones left first with all their possessions, those who left later lost all their possessions.

I think back to Nazi Germany, to Communist Russia. The smart ones left first, those that were not smart reaped a bitter harvest.

(victims of the Nazi Government)

Am I going to leave South Africa?

I still love this country and all her peoples. Am I naive? Yes, I am afraid so.

Because I am not a "good time charlie". Some things have to be fought for. With guns? Never, rather through democratic means such as the ballot box. What other means are at my disposal? To be friendly and live the Golden Rule, I can't change things nationally, I can't even change things locally, yet I can change things personally. I am only one, but with my wife we are two, and with my family we are six. But six is much more than one.

Will things get better here? If I use my head and think, I doubt it.
If I use my heart and hope, I believe they can.


I do not think that now on the planet there is a country where everything is all right. Where there is more, where there are fewer problems for the people. We can only hope that there will be a change for the better

I think by and large we are not expected anywhere. We are hostages of circumstances. And it is good that there is a family and is for whom one strives to live with dignity.

Excellent review, my friend and of course sad that this was happening in your country. I wish you patience and faith in the best! Thank you @fred703

Oh yes, there have been many sad pages in history and you are right, we need to be steadfast with such challenges!

It is really a good article and i am agree with your blog topic that history teaches. It is a fact that history teaches but it is better for us have good lesson from the history. Great blog sir.

We should learn from history. Thanks sir @fred for the valuable article.

We need solutions now... People are debating and discussing it. But its moving to fast now. An Afrikaans saying, "Jy maak jouself laat."

We can join Suid Landers I guess at least we will be prepared for the worst. Otherwise we are on our own. And I will have to abandon my family when something should happen, because they are utterly unprepared.

I am getting fit... I honestly can't believe I am saying this, but I am preparing so I can escape to the wild, lol. Doing the hardest type of exercise I can find. In the form of crossfit. And running with the dogs.

You are absolutely right sir that History always teches us. We can learn what is wrong and right from history. Thanks for always sharing educative article.

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