ABBA the story continues...

in #teamsouthafrica6 years ago

I am now listening to ABBA songs as I compose this article.


I was a teenager when they were at the height of their fame. Due to the fact that I loved "non - commercial" music such as Led Zeppelin at that stage of my life, I regarded ABBA with contempt. I would never listen to their music; I was not one of the masses, I was "different". When I see and chat to various youngsters today it amuses me that some of them want to be "unique" and listen to "unique" music, yet I am certain if any those bands were offered fame and money, most of them would grab it in a heartbeat.

Yet when my one younger brother had lots of parties, he would put up flashing lights and play the music through the television in the lounge. Lots of videos and because ABBA had so many videos and their music was great for dancing, there was a lot of material. When it played it was very popular. Even though I would die before saying I liked their music, it stuck. Treacherously, the songs and melodies got stuck in my head. The one band member was afraid of flying and also the cost in time and money was prohibitive for the band in those early days. So their manager just used to release pop videos. They proved immensely successful in promoting the band.

Another reason why I secretly liked the band was the relationship I felt existed between the band members. The name of the band was cute, the first letter from each of their first names. The songs were also romantic and what the imagination of a lonely teenager boy dreamed about and longed for. The girls were pretty; everyone loved the blond girl but I was partial to the redhead (I have always had a weakness for redheads).


Do you know why they wore such way out, zany, clothing? Perks from Swedish Tax Authorities! If the clothing could not be worn anywhere else but on stage, then a deduction could be claimed.

The years passed and the band members went their separate ways.

Recently we all saw the movie "Mamma Mia" and popularity surged here in South Africa, probably globally. I enjoyed the movie but I prefer the old bubble-gummy originals and it is nice to see a movie without the inevitable violence and bad language.

I never went to see the latest production at the movies but I am looking forward to the video when it gets released.

I think the music we listen to reflects our age. It is certainly true for me, I just can't get back into the serious and heavy rock and roll that I used to listen to. Often I say its because I lack the energy to listen to it. Maybe I have other more important things to think about and do.

All I know is that I like their music today quite openly, I would have never done that when I was a youngster, my "image" was too important to me. The mere thought makes me roll my eyes.

Nostalgia for the old days makes many people nag the group to get together again and make some more songs, but they have resisted for many years. Take a look at their comparative pictures, it is strange to see that they have aged but they are eternally young in my memory.



One day we will die but our memory will never be die even we can member our memory in our next life. Look the beautiful singers were young but now they are old but you still remember your memories. They are still look beautiful.

as the one Mexican golfer said "the older I get, the better I was". I do think they look fine, they seem happy

Excellent review, my friend and you are right, the music and the ABBA songs always sound amazing to us, even after so many years! Thank you @fred703

Lol. Interestingly that ABBA was very popular in our country Although at the time I had the USSR and there was an iron curtain. Thanks for reminding me

I believe there was a concert in the USSR, and the government paid ABBA several railway truck loads of potatoes!

lovely write
thank you for sharing

I love dance. thanks for sharing this post.i appreciate your valuable post...

Its nice song and good singer party. Good post.

Man's work keeps humans alive for thousands of years.

Very nice dance.i like it this post
Thanks for sharing this post is..

the band is a little too old for me because i grew up in the 90s 😆
but thanks for sharing your story!

Beautiful music post.i love music. thanks for sharing this post.

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