Operation Water Project

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago (edited)

As some of you may know, there are some water shortages in Cape Town, South Africa at the moment. It's something that has been coming for a long time, but very soon, they will have no water at all. I am not the right person to explain the how's and the why's about the situation, nor will I be able to tell you how long it would go on or what their plan of action is, but I know this: I feel for them.


See I haven't been in South Africa for quite some years and haven't really caught up with all the problems on this side either. Although I feel that the government should have made a plan about this a long time ago, I really can not judge as I do not know all the facts.

Can you imagine having to live without water?

Seeing as it's a basic need to do just about anything (bath, clean, cook, drink, etc.), I can't help but to think about mothers with small children (or babies) having to live without the one thing that is absolutely life! Maybe it's because I can visualize myself in their situation having had three babies of my own. I'm not saying that others need water less, I'm just a mother who can not imagine having to raise kids without it.

No fun activities with water

No swimming pools

No running through the sprinklers to cool off

No ice lollies

That just sounds so un-kidfriendly, doesn't it?

Say what you want about South Africans. I know, I have lots to say, but in cases like these, there just ain't a single person who would sit back and watch others suffer. As with many other things, including the recent Knysna fires, helping the needy and supporting one another when disaster strikes, South Africans tend to help one another in times of need, no matter what the color of your skin is.


Schools all over South Africa have started a project in each region to collect as many bottles of water as they possibly can. This has become a huge, selfless community project. Schools are competing against one another to see which school could gather the most, and even in the schools, there are now internal competition to see which class can be Number 1.

This has been going on for about a week and a half. On Friday, I peeked through the window at our school where they store all the bottles of water that has been sponsored for in this short time, and couldn't resist sharing it with you.

Taken by me

That might not look like much at the moment, but the same room should be filled with water in no time.

The goal is that all the schools in the area would collect enough bottles of water to be able to fill a whole rugby field with it. It would then be transported with trucks to where it is needed.

My own three children (or me, rather) have sponsored 10 x 5litle bottles of drinking water each and will continue to do so until the project ends.

The class who collects the most bottles of water will receive a prize...they will not do any work at school that day and will be able to go home earlier after a picnic that the school will provide for them.

I think it's a good motivation for them. It will not only teach them to support others who have less, but it will also teach them the value of water and that it should be respected, appreciated and used with care.




I believe in one world and one family, in my opinion now government should take the help of other countries, yes because the people need the water and nothing above than life so everyone should contribute in this crisis, i am from India, i am really feeling that situation which people facing in Cape Town, and in my opinion government should filter the sea water, so that people can get some usable water, we should try every possibility. Let's pray to the almighty regarding the rain and hope that it will rain soon and everything will be fine again.

Stay Blessed.

some people waist water like its nothing....you will only know what you have until it is gone

yes .you are right becuse Can not you imagine having to live without water. i like to your post.

I have been seeing the Cape town water crisis on the news, its really terrible. I too pray that it will rain soon. Water is life and God forbid that they do ran out.Great initiative on your end and am sure every little bit will help :)

Pray for cape town....
Thanks for your sharing...
I like it your post...
Success is always for you...

Hola. Soy de Venezuela y es increíble la similitud entre tu país y el mio relativo a la falta de agua para la comunidad. En nuestro caso ha sido producto de la desidia de los gobernantes actuales quienes no realizaron el mantenimiento adecuado y el servicio colapso.

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