Today is beautiful day.

in #teamserbia6 years ago (edited)

Today, i'm gonna show you some random photos that i took few moments ago. I finally finished my work and went immediately outside to relax a little bit, take some of photos and rest my eyes from computer screen. It's so hot outside, it's about 30 degree C. I decided with my friend to go to little run, for little recreation and to lose weight.

This is a photo of my neighbors lamb, it is such a little cutie. I tried to take few photos of other lambs and sheep but my neighbor dog started barking at me, so i ran. Our backyards are connected as one huge backyard, without any fence but his dogs always barks at me when my neighbor isn't outside.

CameraLensShutter speedF-stopISO
Canon 600DSigma 17-50mm1/400 sec.f/2.8100

I really like this one, because of wide angle view and some close up of flowers. In future, i'll try to make some wide angle macro lens, something like LAOWA lens, they are amazing manufactures of wide angle macro lenses.

CameraLensShutter speedF-stopISO
Canon 600DSigma 17-50mm1/500 sec.f/2.8100

This is photo from last year. And reason why i putted here is cause i promised @macesen that i will take some photos of spiders today, but i didn't found any. I found only one, but it is really small and i couldn't managed to get close to him. This spider from last year was pretty big and he was at nice spot where i was able to take photo of him.

CameraLensShutter speedF-stopISO
Canon 600DHelios 44-2 + macro tubes1/200 sec.f/8100

This is photo from today. I only managed to take photo of his pray and spider is in background. At this time, spider was cooking some dinner for him. :D

CameraLensShutter speedF-stopISO
Canon 600DRevuenon 35mm1/200 sec.f/22400

And last photo is me. :D I bought remote for my camera and i wanted to test if it's working. And i wanted to show shirt that i got from Canon, it's nothing special but i'm happy that i got from them. It was some kind of contest and i was one of the winners so i got shirt as prize.

CameraLensShutter speedF-stopISO
Canon 600DCanon 50mm1/1250 sec.f/1.8100

Thank you for stopping by. Have a nice day/night, depends where you are from. :D


Great pictures!
Can you share the settings? I wish I'm able one day to take these " macro pictures "... 😊

Thank you very much. Sorry for settings, i forgot to share them. I updated my post, now you can see equipment that i used and camera settings that i used. :) I suggest you to see LAOWA 15mm macro lens, it is amazing lens.

These pictures are incredible. How do you takes these macro pictures?

Thank you. I used old manual focus lens that has m42 screw mount, added to that lens macro reversing ring.

Hello, you really have sharp eye.
May I ask a question: do you apply postprocessing on your photos, or do you publish them "as are", full frame? I dare to sugest that some of your pictures would be even better with some croping.

I am using software for postprocessing my photos. I use Canon 600D and it is crop sized sensor, and it's pretty old dslr but it satisfy my needs. About cropping, i'm not really into that, i love my photos how i take them. Only sometimes i crop just a little bit.

tnx. My style is somewhat different. for me, it is not too important what was registered with lens, but what i have seen in advance. So, I crop out everything I don't find important. Second rule: I prefer B/W, even if it is artificial (I mean: digital).
Privat: Naravno da nam engleski nije neophodan u komunikaciji, ali obojica želimo planetarni domet, zar ne? Puno pozdrava.

Naravno, svako ima svoj stil fotografisanja i post produkcije svojih fotografija. Nemam nista protiv tvog nacina, postujem svaciji. Volim i ja nekad da kropujem fotografiju, al ne cesto, jedino kad vidim da je nesto visak. Veliki pozdrav. :D

Bravo majstore, svaki put sve bolje i bolje fotke, a komsijski secerko je presladak. Steta sto mu je kuce nervozno, vise srece sledeci put @miroslavrc :)

Hvala. :D Ima ih dosta, mada ne smem zbog tog psa, nekad hoce da napadne kad komsija nije u blizini. Potrefice se jednom valjda da i on bude u basti pa da mogu mirno da ih fotografisem. :D

Drzim palceve posto je ono malo cudo divno.

Bice za koji dan jos fotki. :D