Le Petit Journal, o I Balkanskom ratu

in #teamserbia6 years ago

U Francuskoj postoji običaj da vikendima imaju organizovanu prodaju starih stvari.
Bude tu starih knjiga, posuđa, raznih koještarija, a nezaobilazni su i ukoričene naslovnice Le Petit Journal-a, lista koji je izlazio najčešće sedmično.

Ilustracije su crtane rukom i neretko jako dekorativne.

Okupljanje saveznika, 350,000 Bugara, 230.000 Srba, 125,000 Grka i 50,000 Crnogoraca

Bugari polaze u rat. Tada nastaje pesma Прощание славянки

Bugari izvode svoj nacionalni ples:

U društvu francuskih generala, Srbi proslavljaju oslobodjenje Skoplja

Nazim-paša se predaje bugarskom generalu Savovu

Sofija (Sofronije) Jovanović, učesnica Balkanskih ratova i WWI

Ferdinand gazi turske zastave

Kralj Nikola sa ranjenicima

Zlodela turskih bandi nad civilima

Opsada Jedrena, Stepa pomagao teškim topovima

Proterivanje Turaka iz Jedrena

Ka Carigradu

Hoće li evropske sile priznati pobede Crnogoraca?

Hrabre Crnogorke nose ratni materijal


Ako volite istoriju, pravac ovde: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb32895690j/date


Jedan od retkih postova vezanih za istoriju. Vrlo su mi zanimljivi ovi posteri vezani pre svega za kralja Nikolu i Crno Goru, cak me malo podsecaju na slike koje je Jaroslav Cermak napravio.Posteri nam dosta govore i o propagadni tog vremena i o jakim vezana dve srpske drzave i dinastije sa Francuskom tog vremena. Kralj Nikola se skolovao u Francuskoj, dok je kralj Aleksandar osnovnu skolu zavrsio u Zenevi. Postoje dva audio zapisa na Jutjubu, jedan je govor kralja Petra I, a drugi je govor kralja Aleksandra pri prijemu Cehoslovackih poslanika u Beogradu, u kojima se jasno cuje ono specificno francusko R. Neki smatraju da je Aleksandrov govor bio slican govoru na Cetinju, jer je tamo proveo decacke dane na dvoru kralja Nikole, ali meni daleko vise lici na uticaj francuskog jezika. Pomalo je tragican ovaj poster gde Pravda ovako oholo gleda na kralja Nikolu i zaista je to oduzimanje tek oslobodjrnog Skadra bila velika sramota, ponizenje i nepravda ka Crnoj Gori kako zbog velikih zrtava tako i zbog znacaja Skadra kao prve srpske prestonice. Da zakljucim, vrlo sam prijatno iznenadjen i obradovali ste me ovim postom :D

Za Prvi svetski smo tek bili stalno na naslovnoj. Meni je pogotovu bio zanimljiv period posle primirja 1918, kada bi svako malo neka oblast postala autonomna, trajala tako neko vreme, pa bi se priključivala...

Iskopao sam na ovom sajtu i neke švajcarske novine sa nestvarnim detaljima. Možda u narednih mesec-dva napravim nešto animirano.

Wow. That's an amazing window into history, or at least one version of it. The link is fantastic. I read only English fluently. Spanish and German, approximately. French and Italian I mostly guess at. So for this I had to use Google translate. Was worth every moment.
I am a history buff, which means I really like original sources. I'll struggle through editions of Le Petit Journal. Going to save the link and refer to it often when I'm considering that period in history. Sometimes I write about history, small books for kids that nobody reads. This is a valuable resource.

small books for kids that nobody reads

It's sad to hear, history is simply fun to explode :(

This attitude between the Balkan nations is something almost forgotten for political reasons in our "school history" narrative.

Short Story: The First Balkan War, All nations against Turks. Bulgarians were struggling the most, Serbs helped them to expel the Turks to Asia.

Montenegro won the whole Skadar Lake, Serbia printed the postcards from the Adriatic Sea.

As soon as it was over, there were problems: Austro-Hungaria (and Italy) didn't like this idea and they established Albania (in war, Turkish allies). Disputes erupted between Serbia and Bulgaria over the future borders in Macedonia. Besides many politicians of that time were calling for peaceful solution and reason...

The Second Balkan War started, now all against Bulgaria. As the result: Serbia got Macedonia, Turkey returned to the Balkans, Bulgarians were angry.

In WWI, Bulgaria entered the war against Serbia and that led to Serbian defeat and exhausting march over the Albanian mountains during the winter.
In WWII, we were on the opposite sides, again :(

From the 100 years of historical distance, we can see how pointless this fight was, especially keeping in mind that Serbs and Bulgarians are speaking mutually understandable languages and certainly are very similar nations.

That film is the first thing I watched this morning. And your message the first post I read--what a way to start the day. I think any reasonable person who studies history has to recognize that in every war, in every place, the same slogans are repeated to motivate soldiers. I think it must be a kind of congenital affliction in humanity that we can be motivated, over and over again, to pick up a flag and gun and fight for---nothing. Sometimes war is thrust upon us, I guess, maybe when we are invaded and our families are endangered. I don't know. At this point in my life I'm pretty much a confused pacifist. My next intellectual excursion today, after I finish the blog I've been slogging through (!--I get carried away with research) is to read up on the Balkan Wars. I know so little.
Thanks for sending that film. It is something I would never have had the chance to see from my usual sources.

This was the part of the Bulgarian TV Series with the plot placed in today's Macedonia at the beginning of the XX century.

I'm pretty much a confused pacifist

Great sentence! There was a research, designed to predict what kind of recruits will become the best in combat. Those were not the toughest, not the strongest, not the most aggressive... It turned out that most VC medals were given to the soldiers who had some sort of protective mentality (guard-dog mentality). During their civilian life, most of them were peaceful, ordinary people.

And you are right, from the historical distance, it's pointless and absolutely unreasonable. However, when the media start their work... And some deliberate actions are made to ignite the fire... Only a small percentage remains reasonable. That shift in prevailing opinion can happen in a month, from tiny aggressive minority to vast majority.

I don't speak Serbian language and my French are poor but these sketches from the first Balkan war are amazing . All this blood spelt in Balkans and still most issues aren't solved..

Unfortunately, we never had a strong figure capable to unite us, as ITA, GER or SWI had

Hvala Vam što ste nešto ovako interesantno podelili sa nama.

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