
That is a question I've often pondered as well!

People do tend to say that, so I ended up doing my best attempt to look at it objectively, and came to the conclusion that there are all sorts of things going on, from social programming to auto-tuning, but ultimately it really has turned to crap in the past 20 years .

I'm not going to post any examples of modern music because I just don't want to go there - but sticking with The Pixies - check this out: Here Comes My Man (1989):

"Combining jagged, roaring guitars and stop-start dynamics with melodic pop hooks, intertwining male-female harmonies, and evocative, cryptic lyrics, Pixies were one of the most influential alternative rock bands. They were inventive, rabid rock fans who turned conventions inside-out"

That actually has the feel of a decade earlier. I can't say I've ever heard of the Pixies before. I'm struggling to even remember what i'd have been listening to in '89. Probably the glam rock my sister was playing. 😆

The Pixies were to the 80's what the Velvet Underground were to the 60's - they invented all the coolest music for the next decade.

In 89 I was listening to The Pixies - Doolittle, and The Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique - Such awesome times!

"Many critics in fact thought that Paul's Boutique was a muddled mess upon its summer release in 1989, but that's the nature of the record - it's so dense, it's bewildering at first, revealing its considerable charms with each play"

These guys re-invented rap (I'm not saying that turned out to be a good thing)

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