in #teamnz6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes when I want to sit and contemplate things, I walk down to the beach, and sit on the sand watching the waves, the walkers, the surfers, and the dogs playing.

It really helps put things in perspective. Lately on Steemit I've been feeling like we are pushing shit up hill. Pushing shit up hill is one thing, but coming to the conclusion that it is not really our hill, and maybe isn't even really a hill at all, gets a bit much. The beach was a lot busier than Steemit actually!

Every man and his dog was there...

So lately I've been doing my best to let go of my 2 1/2 year Steemit habit/obsession/addiction. I'll still check in from time to time, and there is some content that I can best access from Steemit, but although I might still occasionally share some of my blog posts to Steemit from Wordpress (using Steempress), for the most part I probably won't be posting or commenting.

At some point I'll probably do a blog post outlining some of my paranoid theories about what is really going on deep within Steemit. But I will only do that on my WordPress blog and won't share that on Steemit because I don't want to start WW3. These days most of friends seemed to have moved on, the content has really gone downhill (yes, including mine, sorry) and I don't think we are ever going to earn any real payouts again. We need to chill out more.

Along with learning all sorts of things and seeing all sorts of cool stuff, I've also met some amazing people. Some of whom I'm in contact with outside of Steemit, but many I'm not. If you feel so inclined, feel free to get in touch by email or discord. It would be great to hear from you. So long and thanks for all the good times!

My website and blog is here: , on discord I am frot, and my email is [email protected] (I realise I'm asking for spam posting that, but I already get the odd bit of spam so what the hell, live dangerously)


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


One more thing to add to the list of steemit problems- when I have someone on my 'favorites' list and it doesn't show there's a new post-- steempeak doesn't appear to have that problem, in fact steempeak is becoming a much better front end all the way around- check out how nice my page looks

If you're basically done with it anyway then why not just post what you feel like posting? What can anyone do to someone who doesn't care? You should feel free at this point to vent lol ;)

The stuff I'm looking into at the moment is so negative about the platform that even though I could just post it on my blog and share with Steempress like I've been doing for the past three months, I don't think it would be a good idea to do so.

I still have two accounts with 65 and 66 reps, but if I posted this stuff, even if I avoid commenting, so there isn't much of me to flag, they would flag my accounts as hard as they could and get me under zero as fast as possible.

And if I named any fake accounts - all hell would let loose - these are big names!

I still haven't got my head fully around this psyop, but in 20 years of conspiracies I've never been mind fucked like this - and I got most of 911 in 48 hours...

Steampeak is improving - it's one of the few things that give the impression they are trying to encourage authors rather than drive them off the platform and replace them with bots and violent social programming games that potentially make better profits...

Damn, now I'm burning with curiosity! Do you still have Fill me in!

Yeah, Howie turned 30 the day the towers went down so it's memorable in more than one way. He knew what they were spewing all over television was bullshit immediately. A bunch of friends of ours who came over that night for his birthday- not so much- they were all WAR, KILL, and they are not warlike people generally, but the propaganda played on outrage, especially for us New Yorkers. It was really that day and the period following it that most of my friends and family discovered Howie and I were 'conspiracy theorists'. Eventually they grudgingly agreed that we were onto something. It blew my mind that it didn't occur to anyone to at least question the fact that the supposed terrorist group was Pakistani and yet George W was calling for war against Iraq.

Anyway, yeah, let me in on your knowledge :)

I was on conspiracy chat rooms the day after and we were talking about stuff that people like richard gage took 10 years to talk about!

I was in Woodstock at the time and the same thing happened to me - I could see plain as day that this was a pay-op to get the gw favorable ratings after the broken chad pay-op and go to war against iraq- I was the only one I knew who saw that

Those of us who saw it were definitely in the minority. I'm still a bit blown away by that- especially when I tried pointing out to someone that the so called terrorist group was not from Iraq, that it would be like Mexico bombing Russia and Russia bombing the US or Canada in retaliation- and they still couldn't see it. Though it's deeper than that. One small group of people has nothing to do with a whole people- I am not responsible for Joe down the street's behavior and vice versa as just a tiny example.

totally - people are under deep mind control - and I learned about that much later when I started to listen to Mark Passio's podcasts - but 9/11 was when I started to really look deeply into what is going on.

Permanent solutions to temporary problems are unreasonable, so thanks for noting that you aren't effecting an irrevocable and permanent departure. I will look forward to your return to active presence on here, should you fail to maintain a reasonable presence for a time.

Do consider contacting me directly if a prolonged absence results in my unfollowing you. I generally wait a couple months before unfollowing folks, because life intervenes sometimes in our ability to maintain online presence. Eventually, I do unfollow folks when they neither post nor comment.

Should you depart permanently, I will miss another reasonable contributor to my education, as I do many others already.

Thanks for the heads up!

I guess you can hang our with your bot friends and play "Drug Wars", but you might want to do some more work on your comment scripts...

Ah, I shall miss your forthright remarks! Nothing better cuts the clutter from my mind than straight shooting =)

Never played Drugwars yet. Looking forward to having a go, though.

Cool trick - now with six different bots!

Sometime last month this began. Some comment or post of mine was deemed worthy of support, and it continues presently. Not all of my comments and posts are so blessed, but I seem to be saying things the botmaster finds worthy.

As you can see from the names, there are many more than six.

I find it motivational, as I have not always been so supported.

LOL - there was a time on Steemit that I used to earn votes from actual readers - not any more though...

Mostly what I seek is criticism; folks setting me straight when I err. I press my understanding against it, and see if I can be broken. When I can, I can become stronger, and am grateful.

That's grate...

That is an admirable thing to seek, be you man or bot. You mentioned that you're sad to see him go because of his forthrightness- I'll fill his shoes if I can :) In a conversation at least-


LOL 2018 still won't work if they eat the crayons.

Best tell the un education ministers that bro, they love facts, as long as you give them free food and drink!

All the crayons they can eat!


It's probably no comfort to your many fans, but in case anybody is wondering... I'm not going anywhere. I still plan to post once or twice a week. Though you all know how good I am at sticking to the plan... So maybe it's better to say I will post sporadically.

Dang... this one hurts. :(

Anyway, thanks for the stories, conversations and the pictures, so many pictures!

for the most part I probably won't be posting or commenting.

Noo you're one of the good peeps! I loved your comments! Take a break and come back :)

Missing you already

If you need to look at a shit post drop in anytime.

Image result for grumpy cat meme your tears

Did I upset you? Can I still send you tranny pictures?

Posted using Partiko Android

You offended me...

If you really are saying farewell in sorts, then all the best and I can genuinely say that I will definitely miss my dose of frot...It was kind of a medicine for me - So thanks:)

I prefer the the curly hair version.

Oh no, not you too.

Hope you change your mind at some point. I am a serious person and you are one of the rare ones who gets a laugh out of me with many of your comments. But I understand. Comedy is the art of the heart filled with pain. Thanks so much for sharing your art with us.

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