
Bill Hicks was an angry fucktard... Very like Alex Jones! (very very like...)

But if you ignore the different personas and focus on the facial structure, it is very obvious.

You have never had a big psychedelic experience have you @frot? Baby boomer I’m guessing?

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I had the odd psychedelic experience in the 90's !

But really - check the evidence in my post and refute one fact - just the facial resemblances themselves would be statistically impossible to have randomly occurred.

And maybe my beef with his original Bill Hicks persona is that he was supposedly a comedian, but personally I just didn't find him very funny (yes I have seen some of his vids) - and Alex Jones always gave me the exact same vibe, but more so.

I'm 52 myself, so Generation X

Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 on
Millennial's or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995
Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976
Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964
Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before

As well as the moles on his neck, Bill Hicks revealed his agenda every time he opened his mouth.

What do you mean that their face resemblances would be statistically impossible to have occurred randomly? Your just seeing into it what you want to see. Do you work in forensic?Bill Hicks was a visionary first and a comedian second. Say what you want about his humour but he was spot on every time 👌

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So which fact are you disputing?
I like how they even walk with the same limp...

Start with teeth at 5 mins -

"You can't have the same exact teeth top & bottom, front & back(impossible), limp, moles(at least 4), facial-bio metrics,height(when compared to Kevin Booth & Dave P interviewers they've shared), hands, connections, locations, friends, producer, mannerisms, lazy eye, broken pinky finger, perspiration issue, hair part and a plethora of other "coincidences" without being the same person. Eventually the odds hit mathematical zero. Do you really think he died of pancreatic cancer at 32? You just won't truly take a look at the information, that's all. Vocal surgery(type 3 thyroplasty "shortening") has been common is espionage/Military Intelligence for a hundred years now. Changing your eye color from brown to blue is very simple non invasive iris implant(most likely) or laser surgery, 3 days later you have blue eyes. He had minor plastic surgery(face/neck lift, lipo, teeth slightly shaved, moles removed, hgh cycles, ears reshaped, iris implants, vocal t.3 thyroplasty) Bill Hicks wasn't very big at the time and was openly sick of comedy."

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