Team Malaysia | 100 Degrees, Welcoming The New Faces

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-03 at 9.59.10 PM.jpeg

Photo by @bitrocker2020

It was yet another awesome day spent with Steemians right after work. I turned on my 'turbo mode', that's what my Steemian friends call it, to finish my work before 6 pm so I could get off early to attend 100 Degrees by @maverickfoo.

100 Degrees is an introduction class for people who are interested to know more about Steemit. It is also catered for skeptics and also people who just want to learn how to earn that extra income to pay off their bills. 100 Degrees is light-hearted yet full of substance to help newbies kickstart and understand the basic fundamentals of Steemit.

I managed to rush to get there slightly after 7.30pm when the Introduction was just about to begin. The event space was also fully sponsored by Ben & Jyesmine who owns'Talentbank'.

@maverickfoo also said that there were 'too' many Senior Steemians this time which was.... pretty true. A lot of Seasoned Steemians came to support him. @elizacheng, @karinzdailygrind, @bitrocker2020, @joannewong, @aaronleang and @khimgoh. The more the merrier :D

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WhatsApp Image 2018-04-04 at 12.41.03 AM (1).jpeg

The sponsorship giving some opening words about the newly setup event space. Thank you so much! The space was comfy and just right for a Steemit event. Hope to rent more spaces from you in time to come.

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@maverickfoo started the session with asking the peeps 'why were there present today'. Some mention that their friend was trying to explain Steemit to them so it was better to hear this opportunity themselves. Some said they were already part of the blogging sphere but with no profitability. Some were just being very realistic and said that they needed the money. There were no right or wrong answer, as long as you've made time to come, you will realize it's worth it.

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It's always nice to recap and 'be that new guy' again. That feeling when I first came to find out about Steemit, all the possibilities and curiosity. Meeting new people, then getting involved with #teammalaysia community. These will be the memories I will cherish in this lifetime.

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-03 at 9.24.41 PM.jpeg

Photo by @elizacheng

Hasn't seen @elizacheng after that Naughty Nuri's Pork Luncheon, so I had to make it to this 100 Degrees to meet up with her.

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-03 at 9.28.08 PM.jpeg

Photo by @elizacheng

This is #teammalaysia, a bunch of crazy people striving to just make Steemit a memorable experience for everyone who comes in. If you've not been part of #teammalaysia or have not read some of the member's post on our meetups, you're missing out on what Steemit is ALL ABOUT.

'COME for the REWARD, STAY for the COMMUNITY' - Steemit

True story! For me, it's because of the lovely communities that I'm still here. #steemitbloggers, #teammalaysia, #thesteemengine and many more.

Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on my artworks, photography & animations.

I'm also open for

Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Come for the reward, stay for the community!

Yes! Yes! Yes! Truly awesome lovely Team Malaysia. My Steemit Journey has become so so so wonderful after being part of Team Malaysia. No more me myself and I alone floating in the Steemit world.

That is so true! You are amazing @elizacheng!

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I think it was a pleasant and fun meeting .. I hope it will be useful ..

It was! Many new faces.

haha, you still got so much energy to write a post after the meetup!

Hahaa, need to post everyday.

Haha i still got few more backlogs to write. Tonight must post one.

Excellent work again brother. Do keep me updated on the next one. I want to introduce my sister to Steemit. 😉

Thanks :D Next one would be 24th April @ Dojo KL.

It was wonderful meeting friendly bunch of people yesterday and looking forward to be part of the teammalaysia and learn. The journey begins...

It was awesome meeting you too :) Enjoy ur journey

Hi sri, I follow you. When will be your next post.

No one can compare to that 'turbo mode'... Thanks for the sharing was wondering how it was and looks like quite a turn out. Thanks to Talentbank for the venue and the amazing speaker @maverickfoo.

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