A Fruitful & Productive Weekend! Coach Training For STEP 2018 Camp!

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

My weekend since Jan 2018 will never lonely and always pack with goodness, productivity, learning experience, and explore a new area of my life. Last weekend was another productive and learning new knowledge for me. This topic is one of the areas that I would love to venture in and learn as much as possible to the extent I offer my time just to sit behind to see how a coach conduct a session. I hope one day I will be a trainer/coaches (motivational or life coach, perhaps?). Big dreams eh? Well, I've learned that we need to constantly stretch our goal and dream to achieve the even higher dream!

So what were you doing last weekend about? Cut the crap, please!

Last weekend actually was 2 full days Train the coach session from a lead coach that prepare us to coach/guide underprivileged youth in STEP 2018 (Self-Empowering Transition & Employability Programme) camp organized by CyberCare Malaysia. The camp starts on 20/3/2018 to 24/3/2018 and all of us will be staying together in a very rural area to the extent we only have 1-2 telco signals from 3 major telcos in Malaysia! You know how ulu the place is!

The class starts with ice-breaking session lead by lead coach and talk some jokes. I believe jokes are the best icebreaker technique that makes everyone laugh and less tense, some of us in the room are looks so serious without bringing a smile out from their home. She then starts to introduce herself a bit, how she starts her journey and her achievements. Since I want to learn how a coach conducts a session and at the same time I'm want to 100% participate in the class as well, so I need to wear 2 different hats throughout the session.

All of them are busy to put up quotes while I'm busy to take photos! Ha!

First thing I notice is that coach only writes 1 thing on one flip chart regardless how long is the quote or words. I think is to prevent confusion for participants when participants recall the lesson?

Some of the questions asked by lead coach are so valid and I don't know how to answer or more like what should I do if I face this case during camp?

"Most of the youth in welfare home is victim to certain occurrences, so what you should do to help breakthrough the victim mentality?"

In my mind, lots of question popping out such as "what should I do? How can I help? etc"
The coach said "Let them survive, throw them into deeper end and they will survive, if you help them you will be a savior"

Savior enables Victim!

That moment I feel so surprise and it is true as we can't constantly help them and how many times can we help? They have to jump out from "being a victim" mindset and start thinking how to become a better person and how to survive in the real world!

Another important role as a coach need to be is be an observer. Observe youth behavior, interaction, & actions. Let them do most of the things and the only time we jump in to help them is when it involves life & death or you know they already push their best. If we help them whenever they ask us to help they will be very dependent on other people to help them solve their own problems which I think it defeats the program intention (Self-Empowering).

So how do we know they already do their real best and not fake it?

The coach said, "Observe their body language and behavior when they tell you they already do their best". Often time our body language will tell the truth or we are lying. If they really do their best and unable to achieve the expected result, then we will push them even harder start by asking questions-

what do you think?
why is this so?
Have you think of doing this way?
How come the thing is not working?

These are the questions that I can think of at this moment, hopefully coming camp I able to put into practice and learn from coach again! There are so many things I want to learn from the lead coach, learning is always fun and gaining new knowledge always motivate me to learn more and applied in my life. 2 days are just too short to pick up all stuff, I'm so happy and grateful I register myself to be a volunteer this year, imagine how many new knowledge I will miss if I didn't sign up for this!

Stay tuned to my next post on STEP 2018 camp post! I will let you know how it goes and what are the new technique I learn from coach again!

How you spend your lovely weekend?


Good for you, man! That so cool. You're going to be helping kids get tools that can help them succeed in life. Right on!

Thanks buddy!

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Learn from lead coach @kittichang and you will be the lead coach, next time! Learn and apply.

You can do it @williamsyee. You will be the lead coach in your own terms!

I remembered an important thing from Kitti,
If want to be a coach, be a coach, think like a coach and behave like a coach (I changed a bit, hahaha).

Yupe, you are right, BE & BEHAVE. Thank you! :)

You're welcome :)

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