
History lesson: The year was 1994. We were waiting for newly-appointed Sabah Chief Minister Tun Sakaran Dan­dai’s press conference in Kota Kina­balu.

The mood in my home state was raw.

Less than a month after Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), which ruled the state for nine years, formed the state government, it was hit by defections.

PBS president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, in an action which many described as honourable, quit as chief minister. And Sakaran of Umno was sworn in to the top post in the state.

Many Sabahans felt cheated.

PBS had won the 1994 Sabah polls by 25 seats while the Umno-led Sabah Barisan won 23 seats out of 48 seats.

The Pairin-led government won the seats despite a rigged election where there was gerrymandering and allegations of phantom voters.

The PBS frogs had betrayed the rakyat’s mandate.


Thanks for the info, will read up on it. My parents mentioned that particular election that they voted in and how they felt after, but I was too young to have any memories about that time. It's a shame that these things happen but I hope that with the changes we have we will be able to change the system for the better.

Worst is he did it before.

If you trusted (voted or vouched) for someone to be part of a team, say football. Then during the match day, he turns and joins the other team. Or if it was a war between A and B.

Define traitor: a person who betrays someone or something, such as a friend, cause, or principle.
"he was a traitor to his own class"
synonyms: betrayer, back-stabber, double-crosser, double-dealer,

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