Journey to Tanjung Tepalit, Baram, Sarawak, Borneo

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

My work involved most of the time in the office managing people and papers. My boss always complaint "Don't just sit in the office lah..go to the the people..understand the company mission and vision".

But I always answered back "If I go to the site, whose going to manage the office". Hahaha..just my lame excuse. Most of our sites are in the interior and rural areas of Borneo, for me that's too far from my comfort zone.

In October 2016, I and my collegue decided to stop our bosses nagging us by going to one of our site in Tanjung Tepalit, Ulu Baram, Sarawak.
image Photos taken from the community Facebook.

So, early morning from Kota Kinabalu we flew thru Airline Maswing and landed safely at Miri airport. Our journey to Tanjung Tepalit took about 5 hours ride; 2 hours on a smooth main way and 3 hours thru a bumpy and muddy logging road. The place is only accesible by 4 wheel drive vehicle which is not cheap by the way. Nearest town is Miri and ride to and from Miri will cost you around RM1,400.00.

Photos along the way to our destination.

Tanjung Tepalit community mostly from Kenyah ethnic... not from Kenya, Africa ya! They are the original people in Ulu Baram, Sarawak, Borneo. Our main task to this community is to ensure the women group at Tanjung Tepalit be able to manage and create a sustainable socio economy spin off from the power available from the Solar Micro Hydro Hybrid System that generates 24 hours electricity/lights to the village. Participants acquired skill in sewing curtains, shopping bags, apron and scarfs, Crop management in small scale farming, making their own organic fertilizer including compost waste management and food processing techniques (kerepek/chips making and baking cakes). However, I won't talk much about how we conducted the training that's for the organisation report only. I'm going to share some of the pictures that I have personally taken during our visit.

Our activities in Tanjung Tepalit.







image The oldest couple in the village.

image Kenyah elder with her beautiful set of traditional accessories.

I noticed that there are only 2 or 3 small children in the village. Aunty Delli, head of the women's community informed us that the other childrens had to be sent to stay at the boarding school in Lg. Lamai, which is the nearest school. Children in the early age of 5 to 6 years the boarding school, this is new to makes me sad. They're so young, still need hugs and kisses from mummy and daddy before they go to sleep at night, and yet on the boarding school!

The only mobile telephone service provider available is Maxis thru satelit supported with solar power. Most of the traditional long houses has been replaced and converted into a modern long house. These modern long houses are built nicely. I guess that its the retirement home for the elder. Only few young people left in the village, most of them are in Miri town or worked and stayed with the logging company in the area.

image One of the Long Houses.

Photos with the community at the end of the training. image

They said that there is a beautiful waterfall nearby the village. However, I did'nt managed to go there...well..may next time. image Photos taken by Caroline N.

Overall it was a successful and meaningful 5 days 4 nights visit. We were so overwhelmed with the community hospitality. Kudos to the women group there!


what an awesome journey and experience ... thanks for sharing

This is one of my journeys. I want to share more soon. Thank you for reading.

Haha, your boss same like mine. Always asked me to go out and meet all the suppliers. Jangan talampau duduk opis kunun dia bilang. 😂

Ya bah...they keep on nagging. Bikin panas hahaha

Wahh.. mcm enjoy owh kamu kan..

Enjoy juga. Karaja kampung kampung..

The aerial view is awesome. Using drone I suppose?

Yes..they use drone. I got the pic from the comunity fb.

love the view. thanks

Nice scenery

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