Artificial Intelligence (AI) VS Human Brains

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new subject to talk about, since the movie Terminator 1984, and Artificial Intelligence 2001 , it has becoming a question to human man kind.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence
2001 ‧ Science fiction film

The Terminator
1984 ‧ Fantasy/Science fiction film

But wait, for those do not know what is AI, layman understanding is "Autobots" or "Machine" or "Robots" either they are tangible or intangible. Tangible AI is those created by Human to act for Human (Japan is famous for this - Imagine ; ). Intangible is those imputed by Human to react on what human wants the result to be

Over the years , AI always been there, 30-40-50years ago or even 100 years ago, But why AI took so long to perform ? why the Movie Terminator only came out in 1984? AI needs to grow, they need Data from Human, and they get Data from Internet as i AM TYPING. Data creates AI, without Data ....AI cant perform, its a empty shell. So now 2018, years goes by is the DATA enough?? Will AI will be educating human next time ? When is Data will be enough ? another 10 -20-30years ???

For me Human is already learning from AI , its just we dont realised it, all the youtube, (how to do this , do that videos ) , all the cooking recipe is just one of the ways AI works.

For Example :

Software Programming - Human instill Input and expect an Output for this matter. The clarity of Data , that human wants is so important , that if the Output not receive at the satisfaction of Human, they will go back to the Software to RE-programmed it.

Actually we see AI almost everyday , it just we do not know they are there, such as Computers, Traffic Lights, Websites. Beyond behind all these, lays a new life of Hope for AI. Looking back at the Movie, they believe they are meant to be alive , and will be taking the world and out-smart Human kind.

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WHAT IF ????

AI works beyond human thinking, we take a good example of Amazon, Lazada & Shopee (everybody buy's online nowadays right ?) when you click an item and browse it , and just for a thought, you leave it and go to other websites, in less than 1 min , appears the side window of Amazon, Lazada, and Shopee advertisement the item you browse!! You Like WTF!!! How did they know your facebook account? , your favorite airline website? , how Lazada Knows ??

I mean seriously , you left that websites already, why they will appear again as an advert to your other searchers link? Human created to do the Product sale an the system on that Lazada , but the systems has evolve and beginning to see the downfall of Human that, putting a Banner Advert reminding the Product will generate result for the Human Kind.
Have you ever realised that ? have you ever receive a E-mail to remind that you left something you browse in Lazada???

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Human created the system, but AI works beyond the system as if they are Human. Another saying is, try beat them in a Chess game in your computer. YES, i know "arguably" humans also can have many levels of genius. (haha)


Let me list down below what Human is Better than AI:

  1. Senses, Human has high level of sensory act and thinking, where as AI operates on Information Data perceived to them.

  2. McGuyver Mind - Ai cant replicate a human fast reaction , Ai can only good at processing data at higher speeds (heard of RAM before??)

  3. Creativity - AI cant create feeling of creativeness such Art Drawings or Poem. Human can create Autobots to be like you (Think about Japan), but Human cant make Autobots to develop their own personality.

  4. Brain Thinking - Human has always evolve growing brains thinking since beginning of birth. The brain works and can think about if a dog knocked down by a car, an orang utan infant separated by the mother because of poarchers and etc. Human react to it with mind pityness. Where as robot's NONE.

  5. Behavior. Hands Down Human Wins This, Robots cant be love, they cant be passionate, Ai cant make friends, Ai cant take care a Dog or Cat.

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Some people warned about AI's potential dangers and imagine (Arnold) Terminator's future when the machine gets wild. We must control artificial intelligence so that we control the machine and vice versa.

Some even held serious talks and meeting for this (such as the America - for that sense). Remember this, computers and machines are meant to help and improve human lives, we should not be obsessed about the insecurities of technology, rather be "Lend a Hand" tasks between Human and AI.

For me i see at angle of its a collaboration rather than a fight.

Til then for now.
Peace Out Autobots


so, google is the skynet on terminator and facebook is our "big brother". amazon says what to buy and we become more like automated creatures. are we in "westworld" or outside? private life is more like atlantis that has never been before so. ai experts need to discuss about robot laws of isaac asimov more deeply. i am hopeful about blockchain tech but speculations are really wasting the hope the only we have.

True Right ? It goes all round and round, just that we are so norm to it, that we did not see it clearly. Heard Google has bought WAZE, now they even know where you about, even when you are shitttingg in the toilet ....Scaryyyy

Skynet is coming bro.. We need to find John Connor and join the resistance

Yeahhhh bro John Connor is out best bet...

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