Daily Food Photography: Honey Roasted Chicken

This is a traditional Malay dish. I just loved the food presentation, the rice was wrapped in banana leaf and the ""sambal" (spicy paste) was stored in a "tumbok" (this a stone bowl which is used to pound and blend the spices, and which my family also used before the invention of the blender). Overall this meal was delicious and the chicken was tasty and succulent.


I was missing your posting from last week.Happy to see you again.This food is looking delicious but I can not eat chicken because I am vegetarian.

I have been very busy with my work. This is just a short post about a lunch that I had. I am sure vegetarian dishes are also very tasty.

This food looks so delicious. It gives me lots and lots of appepitite. For this reason i'll visiting Malaysia soon so that i get to eat Malaysian food :)

Malaysia is a food haven, there will be so much food that you will enjoy. Remember that there are many ethnic groups in Malaysia and each will will their own special food. Thanks for dropping.

Yes truly, the foods really look so delicious especially the chicken. And the cucumber made it perfect meal since i really loved cucumber.

With spicy "sambak", the cucumber was meant to provide relief for the spiciness. Overall I enjoyed this meal very much.

That's great. And i was emagining the good smell of the plain rice wrapped in banana leaf. It also adds the goodness of the meal.

A wonderful presentation of food. This looks delicious. I love honey chicken. I've never been to Malaysia, but I've heard it has a delicious food. It would be great to go once and enjoy this wonderful food. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for dropping by. I really like the presentation and the chicken was delicious. Do come to Malaysia and enjoy the various food it has to offer and don't forget to try the street food.

Rice wrapped with banana leaf will always be more aromatic and delicious somehow 😂😂 chicken and sambal looks tasty 😂 greetings from Malaysia Too :)

Welcome to Team Malaysia. Yes, very true, the rice becomes more aromatic and it is pleasing to the eye as well. The sambal makes this dish more delicious.

Seems delicious

I Love the traditional Malay dish & I will say food idea is awesome.Can't stop to say hmmmmmmmm

In Malaysia since we have various ethnic groups, there are many type of dishes by different groups. The food was really awesome, yummy and delicious.

Yes the food presentation is very nice and the food looks yummy! Thank you for sharing :)

The chef was very creative in presenting the food. This makes the food look more appetizing but the best part was not only does it look good, it taste good as well. Thank you for your comments.

woooo good ,,, good post friends ,,, if there is any time. please visit my friend's blog ya ,,, hopefully be a good friend

Thanks for dropping by.

you are welcome, friend,,,

There is a "" before the sambal. haha... maybe to emphasize the sambal is good?

The sambal really make the food so nice and tasty. The sambal can be eaten together with the vegetables.

Yay... sambal kang kong. :-)

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